B. Braun Sharing Expertise (2024)

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      B. Braun Sharing Expertise (17)

      We protect and improve the health of people around the world.

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      We protect and improve the health of people around the world.

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          Our highlights

          We drive advancements in health care

          Space®plus– Advanced. Superior. Digital. The selection of this infusion system starts your journey into a new era of advanced digital medication management.
          Sustainable Container Systems Healthcare actors around the world are looking for new ways to make their professional activities and the medical service they provide more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
          Sustainability from the depths With the expansion of its disinfectant production facility in Sempach, Switzerland, B. Braun is now seizing the opportunity to set new standards in energy management.
          A precise view of the future:New digital microscope technology for neurosurgery New technology allows high-resolution views into the human body, making it a prerequisite for more precise surgery.
          Annual Report 2023 Empowered by Technology:B. Braun is one of the world’s leading medical technology companies. In 2023, our Sales rose 3.0 percent to 8.8 billion euros and our earnings grew 15.3 percent.
          1. Spaceplus
          2. Sustainable Container Systems
          3. N.I.C.O
          4. A precise view of the future
          5. Annual report 2023
          B. Braun Sharing Expertise (23)

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          Our DNA

          We live our values

          • Innovation We drive the development of cutting-edge technologies to significantly improve clinical outcomes, cost of care and patient satisfaction.
          • Efficiency We understand our customers’ needs and work on providing solutions.
          • Sustainability We live responsibly. We take business decisions with future generations in mind.

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          B. Braun Sharing Expertise (2024)


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          Article information

          Author: Kelle Weber

          Last Updated:

          Views: 6501

          Rating: 4.2 / 5 (53 voted)

          Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

          Author information

          Name: Kelle Weber

          Birthday: 2000-08-05

          Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

          Phone: +8215934114615

          Job: Hospitality Director

          Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

          Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.