Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


H. HOWARD Business and Real Estate Editor Business in this district spite of the coal mines shutdown, Business Research, The seasonally-adjusted University, cent of the 1923-25 average in per cent last week. Such small rise, is small comfort, of course, but it does mark the first rise index since coal mining practically stopped here April 1. PRODUCTION SAME The volume of production on a seasonally. basis remained almost unchanged.

furnace operations were reduced, but steel mill activity was about the same as in the preeeding week. Also, electric power sales reflected 8 counter-seasonal gain last week, which may or may not have been due to increased use of electricity for power purposes in place of steam plants. Bituminous coal production, of course, was negligible. SHIPMENTS HOLD UP Naturally, comments the bureau, shipments of coal both by river and by rail were exceedingly small last week. Carloadings of most other commodities, however, increased, As or a result, held the about adjusted unindex of combined shipments fell only one-half point.

New passenger car registrations decreased less than usual at this time of year, and department store sales showed a gain larger than normal. Consequently, the adjusted index of trade here advanced a little. TRADE BETTER Sales of Pittsburgh department stores were about 7 per cent less in the four weeks ended May 6 than in the same four weeks last year, but total sales in the first 18 weeks of this year were only about 2 per cent below those in the corresponding period of 1938. In the face of this district's practically complete OSS of coal mine payrolls and production, the above facts are a fairly good showing. Trade Volume Expanding NEW YORK, May retail and wholesale activities in the nation's marts showed encouraging expansion during the past week.

Dun Bradstreet reported today. Retail sales improved rather sharply and wholesale trade benefited both from an influx of reorders and from a heavier volume of advance orders on staple fall merchandise. Retail business for the country as a whole was estimated by the review at 5 to 10 per cent over la year ago. Deal Data Colored, Says Haney By LEWIS HANEY Professor of Economics New York University NEW YORK, May outright stand taken by the United States Chamber of Commerce in demanding modification of New Deal restrictions was mentioned in this column yesterday. My point was that the New Deal radicals are being smoked out.

They will hardly be able to hide behind the Democratic party much longer. Mr. Haney Business has Mr. Haney left its umbrella at home! Mr. Roosevelt's man, Hopkins, has just returned from along rest, during which time his "job" seemed to be taken care of by others without any trouble.

His is to attack the Chamber of Commerce stand, and to make it clear that the New Dealers are not going to yield to the demand for government co-operation in business recovery. 'SHABBY TRICK' Hopkins resorts to the shabby trick of comparing conditions with a year ago when business was just about at the bottom of the Roosevelt depression of 1937-38. In this he follows the lead of a New Deal columnist named Franklin, to whose misleading statistics a reader calls my attention. Things were very bad a year ago. Production and sales were near the bottom of a severe depression.

Of course, many figures are better now than then. The trouble is that even so, they make a bad showing. Some are below even a year ago. Most are declining. All are much below now.

prosperity levels. The Hopkins Franklin technique should fool no one who does not want to be fooled. UP FROM NOTHING Franklin states that a group of 175 large corporations in the first quarter of this year earned 78 per cent more than in the same period a year ago! What are the facts? In the same quarter a year ago, profits had fallen to a very low level, and more than one-third of these corporations were operating at a deficit! of course, things might be worse, as the marand who had lost only two one arm. But, Mr. Franklin, if earnings are good, is the matter with the stock market? And, Mr.

Hopkins, if business is so much better, why over ten millions unemployed? Why are bank loans below a year ago? Why the enormous and growing public debt? Bankers Elect New Officers Harry C. Schauweker, of the First National Bank last night was elected president of the Pittsburgh Chapter, American Institute of Banking, heading a slate of officers will take office July 1. 1 Elected with him were: Charles W. Borgerding, Union Trust Company, first vice president; Nicholas P. McCuean, Title and Trust Company, second vice president; Agnes J.

Slane, First National Bank of East Pittsburgh, secretary, and Albert H. Lipp, Colonial Trust Company, treasurer. Named to the board of directors were Katherine Nicholas, Fidelity Trust Company; Harry C. Wehrheim, Lawrenceville branch, Peoples-Pittsburgh Trust Company; Paul J. Hanna, Citizens Trust Company of Canonsburg; Whitney S.

Knight, Union Trust Company, and David T. Snowden, Farmers Deposit National Bank. Realtors to Hear Talk On Housing Rehabilitation By H. H. HOWARD Business and Nearly a score of Pittsburgh lantic City today for a regional Association of Real Estate One of the subjects listed is the rehabilitation of blighted Arthur W.

Binns, of phia, who has purchased some dilapidated housing units and rehabilitated them to produce a turn in excess of 10 per cent on the investment, will be one of the speakers. Several local realtors have expressed an interest in Mr. Binns' experiment, which has received nation-wide attention in realty circles. It may be that out of the Atlantic City conference will come plans for similar work here. INVESTMENT SALE The Stevenson, Williams pany, of Mt.

Lebanon, reports the sale of three double houses to investors. These properties are located at 240-42- 4-46 and 248-50 Castle Shannon Boulevard, Mt. Lebanon, and have been sold by Mrs. Ida Willock to W. R.

Chapman and Samuel R. Crocker. Rental income from these houses totals $4,200 annually. "SALES FOR HOLC Nichols Realty Company lists Thine following transfers: New seven-room brick house at 1317 King Avenue, East End, for the Home Owners' Loan Corporation to Mr. and Mrs.

John J. O'Kane in conjunction with the Lloyd Real Estate Company, and a six-room brick house at 5029 Glenwood Avenue for the same owner to John J. Gibson and wife. In addition the Nichols company reports the sale of the sevenroom brick dwelling at 137 Chesterfleld Road for the Dallas Corporation to Mr. and Mrs.

Harry K. Saltzman; of a frame bungalow at 21 Hanway Street, Thirty-first Ward, for the Commonwealth Trust Company to Mr. and Mrs. advanced a trifle last week in according to the Bureau of of Pittsburgh. index advanced from 63.2 per the final week of April to 63.3 New York Curb Quotations NEW YORK.

May (AP, -Following the list of transactions on the New Curb Exchange, giving all stocks (00 omitted in sales column): STOCKS Sales. High, Low. Ala Grt Sou 6e. 65 65 Ala Alum Pow Co $7 Am pfd. pid 6 88 88 1 Alum Ind Alum Ltd pid 6.

111 111 2 Am Centrifugal 3 Cyan .60 23 11 Am Gas El 1.60. 331 1 2 Republics 1 Am Superpower 9-16 9-16 1 Do pid 1 Arctur Rad 2 Ark Nat Gas A 3 1 At as Ply 15 15 1 Aviation Axton-Fish A. Babco*ck Wil 1 Baldw Loc pid 2.10 19 Do war Bath Iron Wks 1 Beech Airc 1 Bell Airs 24 21 Blumenthal (S) 51 Bowm-Bilt 2 pfd Breeze A 2 Brewst Aero, .20 Buff Bridgeport pid Mach 1.60 204 -C- Carman Centrif Pipe Chi Flex Shaft 5a. 69 69 2 Childs pfd 45 44 45 Cit Sve pid Claude Neon 11-16 11-16 Club Al Uten 21 3 Cons Cons Sit Coppermin Corp 61 Creole Pet 201 1 Croft Brewing 1 Diveo Twin Eagle Pich tO East 6 pid 00 14 El Bond 8 1 Do $5 pfd 5. 54 54 Pow A 5 Elect ci Shov Emp 6 pid.

1 1.20. 6 -F- 2 Fidelio Brew 5-16 5-16 Fisk Rub prd 78 25 Fla $1 2.62k 62 62 62 -G- Gen Invest 5-16 5-16 Georg Pow $6 pid 6. 1 Glen Alden 3 Gurmm Aire 17 17 -H- 1 Hearn St pid. -I- Ins Co No Am 64 641 64 1 Int Hyd-El pfd 15 15 6 Int Pap Pow war 21 Inter Util Inter Home Eq 5 Do pid 15 15 pt 93 93 6 Kingsb Brew 7-16 7-16 Lake Shor 39 39 39 1 Lakey Lockheed Fdy Airc 26 25 11 Louis .40.. 6 -M- McWill Dred 10 1 Merritt-C A 8.

Michigan Mid West Corp, Montg Ward A 180 160 160 Nat Bellas Nat Rub Mach. 3 Eng pt 2k 66 66 Mex Ariz 1 Newmont Min 661 66 Niag Hud Niag Hud Pow. 6 Niag Sh Md 2 Niles-Bem- 54 Pac Do 6 pt 32 32 30 30 11 Pantepec 011. 2 Pender Gr 81 9 Pa PAL $7 pid 107 107 107 1 Pa Pow 80 80 80 1 Pitta PI GI Prod Corp 1-16 1-16 1-16 Pug 8d $5 pra: 47 Do $6 pfd 18 18 18 -R- 1 Rustless Samson Unit Scranton Lace 1 Seiberling Rub tO 6 Selected Indus Do pr 54 54 54 Sentry 8 Con. Seversky Airc Shattuck-Denn Sherwin-Wms 91 1 91 913 Stan Dredg pf 1.60 2 Stan Prod Stan Sti Sprng.

Stein A Co 3 Sup Sunray Oil Oil Cal 40 1 Tung Taggart. Sol Lamp -U- Union Can Unit Gas Unit Pow 2 Unit Shipyds B. Unit Shoe Unit Do Wall pfd ME 1 Venezuel Pet 11-16 11-16 11-16 -W- Wis 78 pf 1.31k 923 sales. 1Ex-dividend. of dividends in the foregoing table annual disburse nents based on the last quarterly or semi- declaration.

Unotherwise noted, special or extra diviare not included. 8-Also extra or extras. -Paid last year. 1-Payable in -Declared or paid far this dividend paid or oF ceclared Accumulated h-Cash stock. Under rule.

ww-With warrants. -Without a warrants. war--Warrants. Power Associates Plans Dissolution NEW YORK, May in dissolution of Electric Power Associates, investing company, were disclosed today by York Curb Exchange. Stockholders on April 17 approved the dissolution.

Seton Porter, president of the company, said: "Recent legislation, notably the public utility holding company act, has made it no longer practicable for the corporation to continue." Utility Prospects Good This Quarter NEW YORK, May 12-Electric and combined electric and gas companies which make up a major portion of the utility industry, appear to be headed toward a substantial increase in net income for the second quarter. From present indications, earnings of the industry during three months ending June 30 should gain over the corresponding 1938 period by around 20 per cent. a a a SUN Other Departments, GRant 113 -MISCELLANEOUS Death Notices NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Fairview. on Sunday afternoon at P. A.

Project Pennsylvania 1949-F. 1:30 o'clock. E. S. T.

(Butier, Sealed proposals will be received by papers please copy.) the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission DAVIS- The Rev. F. J. Davis, of Sandy through the Chairman, 11 North Lake, Pa. at his home on Wednesday Street, Harrisburg.

Pennsylvania, until 9:00 at 9:45 p. m. Rev. Davis held various m. (Eastern Standard Time), the day charge in the Allegheny Conference of of May 19, 1939, and immediately there- the Wesleyan Methodist Church for the will be taken to the Knights of Co- past seven vears His wife.

Mrs. Allie tumbus. Building. 213 State Street, Harris- Cafner Davis. died Saturday, May 6, burg.

Pennsylvania, at which time and and WAR buried Tuesday. May from place they will be publicly opened and read the Zion Church. in Worth Township. 9. aloud for the following contract: Survived by two sons.

Harry J. and For the construction of Section 12B and Frank C. Davis, of Pittsburgh: three 13A of the Turnpike in Bedford and Snake siste.a, Mrs. Emma Kircher, of Salem. Spring Townships, Bedford County, State 0.1 Mrs.

Clara Stewart, Gerard, 0.. of Pennsylvania. This section being situ- and Mrs. Laura Boyd. of Pittsburgh: ated as follows: four grand hildren.

and two greatFrom a point approximately 0.75 miles grandchildren. Funeral services held northeast of Bedford at Station 945 4: 50 at the Zion Church on Saturday. May 13. to 8 point approximately 1.00 miles east at 2 p. m.

E. S. T. of Bedford at Station 1013. 79.

The work On Thursday evening. May 11, of grading and drainage, the DAVIS consisting construction 1939, Clara Belle Gilbert, wife of the late of reinforced struc- Franklin E. and mother of tures and a fabricated structural steel Franklin E. Davis, sister of Alice viaduct approximately 480 feet in length. Harman.

and Jeannette TredApproximate quantities of principal items well, Chicago. Toledo, Ill. Funeral services at are As follows: Class 1 excavation and borrow, 325.000 her home, 96 N. afternoon, Sprague Bellevue 2 cu. Class yda, o'clock.

Members of Norwood on Monday May 15, at A Concrete, 4,800 4,070 cu. ids, yds. ton White Chapter, Shrine 0. E. S.

No. Jerusalem, 356; HerringClass Steel Bars, 627,300 lbs. cus of and No. Plain Fabricated Structural Steel, 1.510,000 iDs. Women's Club of Bellevue friends Copies of plans, specifications and other ning, invited.

O. 13, E. S. 8 Services o'clock. Saturday evecontract documents, including cross-sec- May at tions.

are on file and open to -public in- DAVIES- On Thursday. May 11, 1939, at spection at the office of the Pennsylvania 4:20 p. E. 8. at her residence, Turnpike Commission located at 506 Hazelwood Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and at the District Ann Williams, wife of the late James Office of the Commission located at Ev.

Davies, aged 87 years; mother of Ruth erett, be Pennsylvania. Copies from of the Pennsyl. D. Boley David and E. Jane and D.

Arthur Sullivan J. and Davies. Hilda may purchased vania Turnpike Commission for the of Funeral services at the Fisher Owen Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per set, Funeral Home, 126 Hazelwood Plans, specifications and contract docu- Pittsburgh, on Monday afternoon at ments may be obtained from the Commis- 2 o'clock. Friends invited. sion upon deposit of Five Dollars ($5.00) EMBERSITS On May 10, 1939, Frank, for each set.

such deposit to be refunded beloved husband of Anna Cserer Emin full to any actual bidder upon the re beraits. Funeral from the family home, turn of such documents in good condition 4044 Vinceton on Saturday, within five (5) days after the date of the May 13, at 8 a. m. Solemn requiem high opening of bids. Refund will be made for mass 8.

8t. Mary's Lockhart all plans. contract documents and cross- N. at 9 o'clock. Members of sections returned if the project is with- Knights of St.

George, Branch No. 3, drawn the letting by the Firat Windisch Sick Benefit Society, and vania Turnpike Commission. Remittances friends invited. are to be payable to the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and must FUNK- On of Edward Wednesday, and May 10, Anna Edward pany request for the drawings, specifica- Funk. son Funeral Nagode tions and cross-sections.

age 5 years. from the The character and amount of bid security family residence 315 William Street, to be furnished by bidders is stated in the Millvale, on Saturday, at 10:15 a. m. Instructions to Bidders. Blessing service at St.

Anthony's Church, No bids may be withdrawn for Thirty at 11 a. m. Friends invited. (30) days after the scheduled closing time GREENE On Wednesday. May 10, 1939, for receipt of bids.

Charlene, daughter of Arthur D. and The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Helen Waltonbaugh, of 1538 Hunter reserves the right to waive any informali Wilkinsbure. Friends received at Ware ties in or to reject any or all bids. ham's Funeral Home, Rebecca Ave. at PENNSYLVANIA TURNPIKE Center St.

Wilkinsburg, where services COMMISSION. will be held Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Secretary and Treasurer. night, Eva E. Greenier, beloved wife of JOHN D.

GREENIER- On Thursday, 12 o'clock midNOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Joseph J. Greenter and beloved daughP. W. A. Project Pennsylvania 1949-F ter of Stanley and Eva Barowski, of Sealed proposals will be received by the 530 Avery S.

Funeral from McPennsylvania 11 Turnpike Commission through 9:15 Cabe'8, a. m. 5300 Penn Solemn on high Monday mass at Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, until 9:00 a m. at Old St.

Patrick's Church at 10 Chairman, North Fourth Street, requiem a. m. (Eastern Standard the day of May Friends invited. 19, 1939, and immediately thereafter will HARRIS On Thursday, May 11th, Jacob, be taken to the Knights of Columbus Build- beloyed husband of Fannie Harris and ing, 213 State Street, Harrisburg, father of A. Harry, Joseph, Herman, vania, at which time and place they will Henry, Daniel Mrs.

Hanna Martin. be publicly opened and read aloud for the Mrs. Max Haffner and Mrs. Lena Harris; following contract: 9 grandchildren. Services Friday.

May the construction of Section 2 of the 12, from his late residence, 5500 Second Turnpike in North Huntingdon and Hemp- Ave. at 2 p. m. Interment Homeville field Townships, Westmoreland County, Hebrew Cemetery. State situated of as Pennsylvania.

This section being HECKERT -Thursday morning, May 11, follows: 1939, at 7:20 o'clock, Sidney husFrom a point approximately 2.50 miles band of Louise C. Fitz Martin Heckert, southeast of Irwin Borough at Station father of Sidney F. Jr. and Mrs. R.

279 -00 to a point approximately 0.3 miles! 81, Russell Huggins, and Mrs. George E. including Arona work incident Borough to at the Station 430 construction Dickson. Services at his residence, 614 South Highland Avenue, E. Satof ramp No.

1, 3, 3A, and 4. The work urday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. consisting of grading and drainage and the construction of reinforced concrete strue- HOLZWARTH On Wednesday, May 10, 1939, at 5:30 p. Frank. husband of tures.

Approximate quantities of principal Rose Reuber Holzwarth, of 324 Hays items are as follows: Ave. daughter, Mt. Rose Oliver: Marie, also and survived six by sons, one Class 1 Excavation and Bor- 440,000 cu. yds Francis. Herman.

Resin Ned Irvine row 2,450 cu. yds. James. Friends received at John H. Class A 2,680 cu.

yds. Slater Sons' Chapel, 228 Brownsville Plain Steel Concrete. 590,000 Ibs. Road, Mt. Oliver, Funeral Saturday be of specifications and other morning 9:45 o'clock, Solemn high Copies documents, plans, including, cross -sec- mass in St.

Joseph Church at 10:15. Incontract file and to public inspec- terment in St. Michael's Cemetery. tions, are on offices of open the Pennsylvania (Dayton, 0.. papers please copy.) tion at the Turnpike Commission located at Harris- Robert JEFFRIES On Wednesday.

beloved May 10. husband 1939, burg, Pennsylvania, Comission and at located the at District Mt. of Elizabeth (Bert) Todd, Jeffries, father of Grace Pleasant, Pennsylvania. Copies of McIntyre, Joe Jeffries and Doris Mrs. sectirns be purchased from the Crowell.

Funeral from the family resisylvania may Turnpike Commission for the dence. 1127 Sherman Wilkinsburg. sum Plans, of Thirty specifications Dollars and ($30.00) contract per set. docu- ton Lodge. I.

0. 0. F. No. 1107.

Services Saturday at 2:30 services obtained from the Commis- Friday at 8 p. m. Friends invited. ments may be sion upon deposit of Seven Dollars and KILEY- At her residence. 836 Clarissa Fifty Cents ($7.50) for each set, such de- Julia Hurley, widow of William Kiley, posit to be refunded in full to any documents actual Funeral from the home of her daughbidder upon the return of such ter, Mis.

Katherine McGuire, 2328 Wolin good condition within five (5) days ford, off Gallion Brookline, on Satafter the date of the opening of bids. Re- urday at 9 o'clock. Solemn reguiem high fund will be made for all plans, contract mass at St. Richard's Church at 10 documents and cross-sections returned it o'clock. the project is withdrawn from the letting KOCH- -On Wednesday, at 12:15 D.

by the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. the John, beloved husband of the late Rose are to be payable Commission to Koch (nee Pschirer) and father of Mrs. Pennsylvania Turnpike drawings, and Mary Babilon, Fredrick. Anthony, Joseph, must accompany request for the Harry and George Koch. Funeral from 3 specifications amount cross-sections.

of bid security home, 58 Lower Road, Pleasant The character and Valley, near Sharpsburg. on Saturday. be furnished by bidders is stated in the May 13. 8 a. m.

High mass of Instructions to Bidders. requiem at St. Mary's Church at 9 No bids may be withdrawn for Thirty time o'clock. (30) days after the scheduled closing LEIGHTON- -On Wednesday, May 10, 1939, for receipt of bids. Cora Alemeda Dobler, wife of the late The Pennsylvania waive Turnpike informali- Leslie H.

Leighton, sister of G. F. DobCommission ties reserves in or the right reject to all any bids. ler, of Avalon; John of Warren, to any or TURNPIKE and Mrs. Sarah R.

Holcomb, of IndianCOMMISSION. 818 apolis, Ind. Funeral services at her home, JOHN FALLER. Taylor at Avalon, 3 o'clock. on Saturday Friends Secretary and Treasurer.

afternoon, May 13, invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1949-F LEMMER- On Tuesday. May 9, 1939, at P. W. A.

Project Pennsylvania the 8:45 a. a. Pittsburgh Hospital, Sadie Sealed proposals will be Commission received by through Lemmer, wife of the late John Lemmer. Pennsylvania Turnpike Fourth Har- Funeral from the home of her niece, the Chairman, 11 North Street, Mrs. George R.

Marx, 1414 McFarland risburg, Pennsylvania, until 1:00 of p. May m. Road, Dormont, on Saturday, May 13, (Eastern Standard Time), the day will at 0:30 m. Solemn requiem high mass 19, 1939, and immediately Columbus thereafter Build- at St. Bernard's R.

C. Church at 9 be taken to the Knights of o'clock. Friends respectfully invited to 213 State Street, Harrisburg, they Penn- will ab end. syivania, at which time and and read aloud for the LORCH- -On Wednesday. May 10.

1939, be publicly opened at 9:10 p. Elizabeth beloved sisfollowing contract: and ter of Sarah Lorch, uf 53' Knox For construction of Section 3A. Thirtieth Ward. Funeral Saturday aft4C of the in Hempfeld and Mt. ernoon at 2:30 o'clock Interment ZimPleasant Townships, Westmoreland section being merman's Cemetery.

County, State of Pennsylvania. This Texas, as point approximately 3.00 miles situated follows: From of a Mt. Pleasant at Station 757 75 west to a Mt. point Pleasant at Station The approximately 2.00 miles north of work consists of grading and drainage and the construction of reinforced concrete structures, and two plate girder structures. Approximate quantities of principal items are as follows: Class 1 Excavation and Borrow 755,000 cu.

yda. Class A Concrete. 3,400 cu, yds. Class 6,300 cu. yds.

Ibs. Plain Steel Bars. 798,000 Fabricated Structural Steel 418.000 other lbs. Copies of plans, specifications and crosscontract documents open to public inspections the offices of the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission located at Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, and at the District Office of the Commission located at Mt.

Pleasant, Pennsylvania. Copies of crosssections may be purchased from the sylvania Turnpike Commission for the sum of Plans, Seventy-five specifications Dollars and ($75.00) contract per documents may be obtained from the Commission upon the deposit of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for each set, such deposit to be refunded in full to any actual bidder upon the return of such documents in good conI dition within five (5) days after the date of the opening of bids. Refund will be made for all plans, contract documents and cross-sections returned if the project is withdrawn from the letting by the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission. Remittances are to be payable to the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission and must accompany request for the drawings, specifications and -sections. The character and amount of bid g8- curity to be furnished by bidders is stated in the Instructions to Bidders.

No bids may be withdrawn for Thirty (30) days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids. ties in or to reject any or all bids. PENNSYLVANIA COMMISSION. TURNPIKE JOHN FALLER. Secretarv and Treasurer.

Pennsylvania Department of Highways, will be received at the office of Harrisburg. Pennsvivania, Souled arv of Highwars. Room 506. North Office the SecreBuilding, State Standard Capitol, Time), until May 10:00 26. a 1939, m.

when bids will be publicly opened and and contract awarded as 500n thereafter as possible for the widening approximately 10,430 reinforced linear feet concrete of existing Davepavement with ment 11 feet, 22 feet and variable in width. Allegheny County, 4-B. Jefferson Township. blanks Route and 330. Section Bidding specifications mAy be obtained free: a charge of $2.50 a set is made for construction drawings and a charge for sections will be $5.00.

Both may be obtained upon application to the Pennsylvania Department of Highways, burg. A refund for drawings or crosssections returned will not be made. Thev may be seen at offices the Pennsylvania Department of Hichways. Harrisburg: Fox Building. Sixteenth and Market Streets, Avenue Philadelphia; and Ferry Wabash Street.

Pittaburgh, Pennsylvania. I. Lamont Hughes, Secretary of Highways. DEATH NOTICES ADAMS- On May 10, 1939, at 4:05 p. Mary Matilda Adams, beloved wife of Alexander Adams, and also survived by one daughter, Catherine, Friends recelved at her late residence, 2107 Adams Natrona Heights.

Services Saturday afternoon 2:30, at the Calvary Lutheran Church. Natrona Heights, SHCRAFT-On Wednesday, May 10, 1939, at 4:30 a. Esther Ludwig sheralt, wife of Lawrence C. Asheraft; daughter of Carrie Fornot Ludwig: sister of Marie Jamison, Hilda Bracken, Elsie William and George Ludwig, formerly of 163 Grove West View. Funeral from the Home of Schellhaas Son.

707 East St. N. on Saturday at 2 p. m. Friends invited.

OD Wednesday, May 10, 1939, at 9:20 p. m. Thomas Carr, beloved husband of Fannie Norris and father of Mrs. Francis Demas, of Verona, N. and Thomas Carr.

of Montclair, Friends and members Division No, 85, Railway Employes, may call at Oakley's, 1501 Monterey Services on Saturday, May 13, at 2 p. m. CONCANNON- Thursday, May 11, at 5:30 James, husband of the late Anna F. Foley Concannon and father of Marie, Agnes. Martin and Marcus, at his late residence.

520 Madison Avenue. Friends received at the Joseph Pappert Funeral Home. 711 Lockhart Street. N. Fitnetal Monday at 8:30 a.

m. Solemn requiem high mass at St. Mary's Church at 9 a. m. Members of Holy Name Soclety and friends invited.

(San Francisco and Los Angeles. papers please copy. AWFORD- On Thursday, May 11. 1939. iamuel Crawford, of Petrolia.

brother of Mrs. Esteiln E. Martin. Miss Alma R. Crawford, Melvin, Dr.

William Chester and D. D. Crawford. Friends received at the home of the Gillen Coulter 319 East Ninth Homewhere services will be held on Saturday evening o'clock, Further services at the U. P.

Church, William M. Robinson, husband of Maude Wood Robinson of 125 Center Glenfield. Friends may call at the Gray Funeral Home, 328 Beaver Sewickley, where services will be held on day at 2 p. D. S.

T. (Oil City Derrick please copy.) SHARRER -On Thursday, May 11, 1939. William husband of Lillian Taylor Sharrer, of 1728 Chislett St. E. E.

Remains at the home of the T. B. Moreland N. Highland E. where services will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

SHERIDAN- -On Thursday. May 11, H. Sheridan, hueband of Hazel Sellers Sheridan, of 764 Princeton Witkinsburg. Friends received at the Knee Funeral Home, 512 Rebecca Wilkinsburg. Friday evening, May 12.

Remains will be shipped to Cresson, Saturday morning. SPEER- On Wednesday, May 10. 1939, at 11:10 p. Emma D. Roll Speer, beloved wife of John M.

Speer and mother of Mrs. Erma Speer Robertson and Elvin E. Speer. Funeral from her home, 3835 Perrysville Ave. N.

on Saturday afternoon 2:30 o'clock. Friends invited. STEWART of On Tuesday, May Stewart. 9, George, Funeral husband Jane C. from his late home near Lamartine, Saturday, May 13, at 2 p.

m. He WAS a P. R. R. engineer.

formerly of Aspinwall. SWEENEY- (Nee Meenan) On Thursday. May 11. 1939, at 1:35 A. at her home, 2134 Boustead Street, Beechview.

Rose Sweeney, wife of Hugh Sweeney and mother of Hugh Patrick, John Charles Michael Anne, Mrs. Rosella Atkins and the late Anthony F. Sweeney and Mrs. Cecilia D. Comfort.

Friends received at the parlors of Wil: liam Slater Son, Virginia Avenue and 8:15 Kearsarge Street, Saturday, Mt. Mav Washington, 13. Solemn until mass of requiem at St. Catherine's R. C.

Church, Beechview, at 9 m. Interment in Calvary Cemetery. (Chester, Philadelphia, Chicago, papers please copy.) VAUGHT On Thursday. May 11, at 12:28 R. Vaught, of 246 Beckert.

Lafayette widow of William mother of and William H. Vaught and grandmother of Mrs. Donna Wissner and William H. Vaught, Jr. Friends received at the Frank W.

Simons' Hon 2025 Perry ville Ave. Services on Saturday at 3 p. m. WALTER Suddenly, on Friday, May 12, 1939. Albert of 1427 Adams Street.

brother of Gertrude and Mary Walter, John. William and Charles Walter. Frienas received at Willison'8, 600 Cedar N. where services will be held Monday at 2 p. m.

01 17 2 Cecil on at 7:05 p. Weissert (nee Schmitt), wife of the Jacob Weissert. Funeral from home of Holzheimer Bock, Main at Ninth. on Saturday, Ma 13, at 10 A. m.

Hich mass of requier at St. Mary's Church at 10:30 o'cloci MANN- James at Beaumont, beloved husband of Eleanor C. Mann (nee Winter), and father of Edward Philip W. Mann and Mrs. H.

A. Walters. Funeral from the family home, 220 Marland on Saturday, May 13, 12 at 8 a. m. High mass at St.

and Canice's A-1 Church at 9 a. m. Friends members of K. of St. George are invited.

MARTZ On Thursday, May 11th, 1939. John Martz, husband of the late Mary Tremier Martz and father of Guy E. and Clarence P. Martz, of 2913 Gilmore Penn Towp. Friends will be received at the Fetzer Funeral Home, 1100 N.

Homewood daily until 10 p. m. Services Saturday at p.m. 10, MAURICE 1939, at 2 Sudcenly, a. on Henry Wednesday, hus- May 15 band of Margaret Eich Maurice, of 319 Refert St.

30th Ward; also survived by 1 daughter. Mrs. T. J. Dennison: 3 sons, Henry, Clarence Charles W.

Maurice; brother, A. C. Maurice. Friends received at John H. Slater Sons Chapel, 228 Brownsville Mt.

Oliver. Funeral Saturday morning at 9:30. Requiem mass at St. Canice's Church, at 10 o'clock. Of 3433 California Avenue, N.

S. Pittsburgh, on Wednesday eve- A ning. May 10. 1939, Margaret mother of Willard sister of Mrs. Mary E.

Kirkwood and C. J. Thompson. Friends reseived at the McDonald Funeral Home. 529 California Avenue, AvaIon.

where services will be held Saturday afternoon, May 13, at 4 o'clock. Julius P. Miller, at his home, 206 East MILLER On Thursday, May 11, 1939, Wheeling Street, Washington, Pa. Funeral services will be held at his late residence Saturday, May 13, at 2:00 p. m.

E. S. T. Please omit flowers. OLIVER- -On May 12, 1939, at 4:30 a.

Victoria Oliver, wife of Martin Oliver. Friends received at her late residence, 1037 Sixth Brackenridge. Services Monday at 9 a. at Our Perpetual Help Church, West Natrona. OWENS On Friday morning, May 12, 1939, at 8:30 o'clock.

Brice Ray, aged 84 years, husband of Margaret H. Douthett Owens. father Eva M. Rea and Ray B. Owens and brother of Mrs.

Charles at Grubbs, home, of 24 Erie, Pa. Funeral services Valencia, on Sabbath afternoon, May 14. at 2:30 o'clock, D. S. T.

Friends invited. ROBINSON On Thursday. May 11, 1939. Death Notices WILLIAMS- On Thursday, May 11, 1939. of David age 56 years, son Mary Came and the late David D.

Williams, Survived by two sisters and three brothers, Services Monday at 2 o'clock at the home of his sister, Mrs. Al. Cole, 2211 Larkins S. 8. Pittsburgh.

Friends and membera of old 25th Ward Club are invited. Interment in Smithfield Cemetery, ZERBE -On Tuesday, May 9, 1939, at 1:35 Stells Wood Zerbe, daughter of J. and Clara Wood, mother of Mary M. Zerbe, of 1335 Sheffield St. Funeral from the James Lowrie Memorial Home, 1407 Chateau at Pennsvivania on Saturday at 8:30 a.

m. Requiem high mass at St. Andrew's Church at 9 a. m. Friends are invited.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Florists $5 Sprays $3. MA 1300. 3719 Forbes St BEAUTIFUL AND FLOWERS Remember, MOTHER HARRIS Florist Liberty and Market AT. 1425-1426 FLORAL SPRAYS. BASKETS.

$5 LUBIN SMALLEY. FLORISTS. 126 Fifth Ave. Grant 2200. Cemetery Lots TO SETTLE ESTATO-8 graves.

Section Lot 92. German Lutheran Cemetery, on Lemington, near Lincoln. Write 143. Sun- Telegraph. ALLEGHENY COUNTY MEMORIAL PARK Four 1120.

-grave lot, Section N. Owner, Linden ALLEGHENY COUNTY MEMORIAL PARK 2 to 8 graves, $75 each. Penhurst 1134. In Memoriams McClure. Sarah In loving memory of my darling mother, who passed away six years ago today.

Sadly missed by Bess. Funeral Director A. A. HEMER, Funeral Director, 1078 Fifth New Kensington. Phone 762.

LOST AND FOUND BRACELET Silver rope strand, Thursday, between Grant and Kaufmann's; reward. Atlantic 0298. REWARD Information leading to recovery lady's diamond wrist watch. platinum band, F. vicinity Northumberland St.

or Montefiore Hospital, Schenley 1346. Re Reward--Platinum Pin 34-diamond circle pin. Court 3980. SCOTTIE -Black and brindle, male, Mt. Lebanon: recently clipped; reward, high 10128.

TAN- WHITE, male long haired. recently, Sixth-Carson: 6 toes rear foot. Reward Hemlock 2299. WATCH- Man's "'Elgin; in or near Carnegie Music Hall; reward. Mayflower 4216.

WIRE HAIRED puppy. female, small, collar, bell, Squirrel Hill; reward. Hazel 3377. FOUND ON STREET CARS AND BUSES MAY 6 Purse Shadyside coach MAY 7 Purse Purse Purse MAY Purse Brooch Purse Purse Purse Inglewood coach Bracelet be had Information concerning these articles may by calling Pittsburgh Railways pany Lost Department, Grant 7450. Ask for Extension 453.

MENTION THE SUN TELEGRAPH WHEE GREATEST MONEY-SAVERS KNOWN EMPLOYMENT All advertisem*nts in the SunTelegraph employment columns offering sales positions must indicate article or service to be sold and the basis of compensation. MALE HELP WANTED wishes SALESMAN- to Old-established tag company cot tact part time commission salesman to handle sale of tags in the Pittsburgh territory; good opportunity for live ma. 280, Sun-Telegraph. HONEST, reliable men to operate furnace and chimney cleaning business in East. burgh; North and West sections of Pittsmust be experienced; will furnish basis.

machines Inquire and 2380 equipment: percentage Saranac Ave. Phone Locuse 1228. MALE HELP SPECIAL WANTED- -A good reliable man to supply customers with Rawleigh Products. Sales way up this year. Write Raw.

leigh's, Dept. PNE 433-127, Chester, Pa. FEMALE HELP WANTED GIRL General housework experienced: good references; $10. 241, Sun-Telegraph. GIRL GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND COOKING.

LINDEN 4695-J. MIDDLE- AGED woman for general housework, stay nights. CO 6641. WANTED -Waitress. must be over 21, experienced.

Call between 7 and 8 p. m. Bigelow Cafe, 631 Webster Ave. WOMAN- -Middle age, white, general housework, good home. $5 week.

N-105, SunTelegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED -MALE YOUNG man, refinishing. 4 years' desires experience upholsterposition shop or department store; small salary. 144. Sun-Telegraph.

SITUATIONS WANTED- -FEMALE home COLORED cook, reference. maid desires position; nights; Court 0591. LAUNDRESS, Men. Women House Cleancleaning, wall washing: quick service. Atlantic 2787.

MENTION THE SUN-TELEGRAPH WHEN ANSWERING ADVERTIsem*nTS. EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL BUREAU Academic- Secretarial SECRETARIAL, Steno. Business Courses; Pgh. Academy, 531 Wood. AT 7177 Beauty Schools MAISON FELIX BEAUTY SCHOOL, Nixon 425 Sixth Ave.

AT 3771. WILFRED ACADEMY Leading Beauty School, 610 Smithfield. GR 4815. GRIFFITH DIPLOMA in Beauty Culture Is a certificate of success. 437 Penn Ave.

MAISON FREDERIC BEAUTY SCHOOL 207 Fifth Ave. Court 2100. New catalog. Microphone Singing Lessons FREDDY ROSE CEDAR 2261 Trade Schools LEARN Pittsburgh BODY School of AND FENDER REPAIR. Trades.

405 Penn Ave. Welding, Diesel LEARN Diesel or Welding. Jourden Technical School, 5746 Baum Blvd. MO 6670. Welding School LEARN WELDING -Welding School Pah 318 S.

Clair St. MO 8900. RENTALS 24 -EAST END WINCHESTER APTS. CORNER ELILSWORTH IVY Modern efficiency apartments, consisting of living and Murphy bed, bedroom, small dining roon, kitchen, tile bath and shower. Inspection.

KELLY-WOOD Hi. 2600 AIKEN AVE. 802-6-8 6-room 1st, 2d or 3rd floor. Janitor service, Grant 2252. APARTMENTS Two to four-roo apartments; light, heat, elevator serve Mayflower 2578.

in SQUIRREL HIT 2 beautiful apartments. triplex apartment: 6 rooms, bath: all modern conveniences; Gentiles. Jackson 0581. evening EMERSON 6111 Alder Seven rooms two baths: heat, range, refrigerator furnished; $90. See Janitor on premises.

THOMAS duplex. 6 rooms, 1st floor, ho water heat, garage, $70. DOD. HILAND 2600. HIGHLAND DISTRIC -First floor duplex, 5 rooms, sun parlor, porch.

$50. Montrose 5152. COLORED -Exclusive rooms, tile bath, hard wood Venetian blinds, heat, $35. Hiland POINT B.REEZE. 6915 McPherson Blvd First door duplex, 5 rooms; heat furnished: one-car garage: $65.

Court 1080. CORNED Gross-Friendship 4-5 rooms, steam heat, Frigidaire: $50-560. 4929 Penn. 0 4 rooms. $35.

Jackson 2637. SQUIR REL HILL 3 rooms. breakfast rooms ate heat, light, gas, Frigidaire, range; privi porch; garage. Jackson 1986. tile bath, hardwood floors: steam hef't.

hot water furnished: $58. Herman 4830 Liberty. Schenley 2966-2625. WOOD. 222- Attractive 3-room apartent.

private bath; best location. Mayr flOwer 7819. 0A KLAND-5-room duplex. sun parlor. naid's room.

Frigidaire, $60. May flower 2742. COLLINS 531- 3 rooms. dinette. heat included.

$40. Apply Janitor. HILLIPS. 5829- 3 room apartment. bath.

840. Hazel 1379 or Homestead 0337. INCAID 5313 rooms, bath. $19. Lando, CO 4487.

25 APARTMENTS- SOUTH HILLS DORMONT. $50-6 rooms, tile bath, garage. range, refrigerator; near two cars, bus, churches, schools. Lehigh 0150-W. 1205 ILLINOIS AVE.

5 rooms, bath, range. Frigidaire, heat; aduits, $52.50. Lehigh 1406. MT. LEBANON-Sub-let June 1st.

5 rooms, 1st floor, duplex, Range, garage, $45. Lehigh 7873-M. 3041 WEST LIBERTY- rooms. bath, Frigidaire, ratige, heat: adults, $50. Lehich 1106.

MT. LEBANON'8 most beautiful apts. The Embassy, 930 Beverly Road, Locust 1500,4 -PITTSBURGH Robert Jeffries Dead, Former Deputy Coroner OBITUARIES Robert B. Jeffries, an Allegheny County deputy coroner for 10 years, died Wednesday in his home at 1127 Sherman Avenue, Wilkinsburg. Recently he was appointed to a position in the County Public Works Department.

Mr. Jeffries was a member of the Odd Fellows and the Calvary Presbyterian Church. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Jeffries; two daughters, Mrs. McIntyre and Mrs.

Doris Crowell, and one son, Joseph G. Jeffries. Funeral services will be held from the home at 2:30 p. m. to- morrow.

Mrs. Emma Speer. Mrs. Emma Speer died yesterday at her home, 3835 Perrysville Avenue. Funeral will be held at the home at m.

tomorservices, row. Mrs. Speer was a member of Providence Presbyterian Church since 1898, and the Woman's of presidenciety that church 26 years. War she During the World was president of the East North Side Cross. a She was a member of the Auxiliary of the American Red Mothers' Club and the Prayer Circle, Besides her husband, John M.

Speer, she leaves a son, Mars, Elvin E. Speer, and a daughter, Erma L. Speer Robertson. William A. Sharrer William A.

Sharrer, 56, of 1728 Chislett Street, died of a heart attack yesterday as he drove a laundry truck near Allison Park. He had been a distributor for the and other Pittsburgh newspapers for 25 years in the Morningside district. He leaves his wife, Lillia V. Taylor Randby Sharrer, his mother, Mrs. Mary Sharrer; two sisters, Juliette Sharrer and Mrs.

Ethel Wyland; a daughter, Mrs. Helen Bain, and a son, F. A. Sharrer. Funeral services will be held at the T.

B. Moreland Funeral Home, 401 North Highland Avenue, at p. m. Monday. Burial will be in Mt.

Royal Cemetery. Banker Refutes 'Sulk' Charge TOPEKA, May A. Benson, of Brooklyn, N. president of the American Bankers' Association, told bankers here that the greatest single "deficiency" in our American economy is the "unwillingness of investment capital to take risks- and banks cannot compel it to do so." The assertion, he said, that banks are not meeting their responsibilities in providing credit needs of the country "is predicated on the false premise that credit creates 1 business." "That is a modern sophistry which assumes that the availability of easy money alone stimulates business, that easy money will impel business to even if the outlook for business is not favorable. "The experience of the past several years should have discredited this theory.

It is nearer the truth to say that business initiates the use of credit, that the use of credit depends upon the confidence of business in the future." Ask Divorces. 12 Get Decrees Divorce suits were fled in Common Pleas Court yesterday by: James. Esposito, Marie Ag gainst William M. Fleese. Catherine Inst Elizabeth.

Stagno, Joseph canst Bernice. Stringe, Louis again Divorces grant ted Canter, Campbell, Wilma com Lewis. from James L. Doyle, Aima Jeanette from, 1 Stanley, William. Fisher, Mary from L.

from John M. Fleming. Mercedes from Arthur. Manger, Theresa from C. Petosky, Joseph Mary D.

F. from Winifred M. Frank Skriba, Mary Andrew. Porter, Ernest from am June. Taylor, fr from Thomas.

Tonkovich, Berth from W. Harold. Truxall, Eva L. Loans to Brokers Rise $15,000,000 WASHINGTON, May The that Federal Reserans Board reports last week's to brokers and dealers on securities held by reporting member banks in New York City "Jotaled $517,000,000. The week ended Wednesday and the total represented an increase of $15,000,000 when compared with the previous week.

for the corresponding week a year ago totaled Glass Industry Cuts Operations The American Glass Review tomorrow will say that demand for many glass products having declined from the average of the six months prior to April 1, manu(facturing operations are being reduced. The prospect is that there lover output in the remainder of the etception second of glass quarter. the contatiners, production jowever, is the above general the level of corresponding week of 1938. Colgate Redeeming Pa't of Preferred New Yor. May feet Co.

will redeem on August 1 a total of 50,000 shares of 6 per celt preference at plus accrue dividends from July 1. Redempton will be by lot from stockholder of record May 23. The call will -duce the preferred to re than $18.000,000. slightly DIVIDENDS BYERS COMPANY, 1602 directors Pittsburgh, declared PA. has The dividend board 1.75 per interest of share which.

cents with per share, amou to $2.21 on the June preferred 1 stock holders of May 10, 1939. company. payable te 0. divide id will be This paid out of paid-1r presents the accumulated and surplus unpaid and regular quarterly dividend $1.75 per shi re of interest February thereon 1, at 1934, the which rate of per will with num, amounts to per be mailed. share.

'Chec FRANK G. LOVE. Secretary and Treasurer. 6500- MAY 1939-ce -FRIDAY, 12, at 6 rooms, garage, reduced; $52.50. high 7479-J.

MT. LEBANON cars. nice Lehigh rooms, 0927-W. bath, porches, yard; near 26 APARTMENTS--NORTH SIDE NORTH SIDE, MT. PLEASANT RD.

coms, second floor; bath, laundry; heat, hot water, Harage. Cedar 8350. EAST OHIO ST. -Efficiency, 2 rooms, bath, very reasonable. Fairfax 4456-6474.

PORTOLA rooms, modern. coal stoker, 2-car garage, $85. FA 7721. 21 APARTMENTS--CITY SUBURBAN SWISSVALE. 2020 Delaware Ave.

-New 5- room duplex: plastic walls, stove. aire, incinerator, garage, second door, $58. Lawson Realty Co. BR. 2222.

SEMPLE 515 5-room apartment, first floor. Janitor service. Grant 2252. EDGEWOOD DISTRICT Brand new modern 4-room efficiency; heat. hot water, incinerator, janitor service, $52.50.

Lawson Realty Brandywine 2222. COLONIAL APARTMENTS Near Wilkinsburg Station, 5 rooms, bath, steam heat: $35. Possession at once. Churchill 0460. INGRAM.

295 W. Prospect Ave. Three rooms. semi- private bath. all convenfences; garage.

After 7 p. m. WEST VIEW 4 rooms, tile bath, heat, range, refrigeration, garage, hardwood. Adults. Wellington 1332-J.

BELLEVUE 6 rooms, bat garage, porches; close stores, schools, churches, $45.00. 514 Dawson Ave. AVALON-710 California Ave. 2. rooms, 3rd floor, bath.

light, water, furnace heat. 818. Lehigh 7995-J. FIFTH AVE. Private, 4.

rooms, bath; newly decorated Klein's Hardware, 2226 Fifth Ave. BELLEVUE-4 large rooms, 1st floor, bath, heat. conveniences; reasonable. Linden 0725. SHERADEN- -Modern 5-room apartment, bath; utilities; $45.

Atlantic 2288: Lehigh 5813. EWART PLACE, 3153-Duplex, 6 rooms, bath, garage, coal furnace. Montrose 6804. BELLEVUE-4 rooms, use of bath, coal furnace, $27.50. Linden 1448.

SHERADEN- rooms- 3 second, 2 third floor, bath, $30. Hemlock 6617. FIFTH -Four-room private apartment. bath. 2226 Fifth Ave.

Grant 0604. 25 APARTMENTS- -SOUTH HILLS KNOXVILLE, corner Knox-Moore rooms, newly papered, tile bath; $46. Everglade 1770, DORMONT, 1231 Wisconsin; second 140- 130- 120- 110- 100 270- 96 50- Real Estate Editor district realtors are in Atconference of the National Boards. for discussion at this meeting housing. Forrest S.

Amy, and two six-room brick houses at 2816-18 Shawhan Avenue, Brookline, for the Union National Bank to William and Anna M. Kavchak. DWELLING DEALS The Suburban Realty Company of Bellevue reports making the following sales: House in Goe Avenue, Twentyseventh Ward, for Frederick B. Denslow and others to George H. Stauber; bungalow in Georgetown Avenue, West View, for the Bellevue Savings and Trust Company to Herbert L.

Kern, and a house with acreage in Eicher Road, Kilbuck Township, for Clarence J. Egan Judson K. Hare. MORE HOLC SALES In addition, the Suburban company reports making the following deals for the Home Owners' Loan Corporation: House at 836 Fifth Avenue, Coraopolis, to William G. Miller; dwelling at 716 Klemont Road, Ross Township, to Oscar C.

Pratt; house at 357 Highland Avenue, West View, to Ernest T. Thompson; bungalow in Broadhead Road, Moon Township, to J. A. Grafton; house Marie Avenue, Avalon, to Clarence A. Kelley: dwelling and acreage in Thorn Run Road Moon Township, to George E.

Slater: dwelling at 1924 Morrell Street, North Side, to Arthur S. en in cooperation with the Charles R. Weltershausen Agency; house at 121 Jamaica Street, West View. to Raymond P. Wheeler in cooperation with Smith Mott, and a house in Sycamore Drive, Glen Osborne, to Arthur Lee Lewis in co-operation with Earl W.

Myers, Sewickley realtor. ROOM Din salon 17 FURNISHED ROOMS AIR CONDITIONED room. near Bill Green's--Irvin Works: unlimited phone. Carrick 0119-J. BEECHWOOD BLVD.

-Room. gentleman; private Gentile family; 4 car lines. Hazel 5771. BRENTWOOD Cheerful room. next bath, gentleman; beautiful surroundings: cellent transportation.

Carrick 2872. BRENTWOOD- Large, cheerful room; suitable 1-2 gentlemen; reasonable. Carrick 2158-W. DORMONT Large, attractive room, crossventilation; excellent location; gentleman: reasonable. Lehigh 6285.

EAST END. 715 North Negley; comfortable room: homel-ke atmosphere; meals optional. Montrose 9751. EAST END- Room next bath in apartment, unlimited phone, convenient location, $4.50. Schenley 5611.

EAST END. South Graham- -Newly furnished room, shower, conveniences. Gentiles. Hiland 7315. EAST END -Attractive room.

furnished or unfurnished; housekeeping privileges: semi-bath. Montrose 9872. EAST END- -Stratton Lane: large, airy room, private home; conveniences: $4.00. Hiland 8154. FOR information on rooma 10 section of city not listed above call Miss King.

Grant 5400 GREENTREE- cheerful room, next bath; country surroundings; convenient city. Walnut 5373. KNOXVILLE-2 beautiful front rooms, next tile shower; single or connecting. Everglade 4447. MT.

OLIVER Attractive large room, suitable 1-2; garage optional; reasonable. Everglade 6442. NEGLEY AVE. South, 370 Beautiful private beautifully home, has furnished large, front light and airy, room, second floor, connecting tile bath; sultable for 1 or 2 gentlemen: excellent location. OAKLAND -Lovely room or share tive apartment with business woman; Mayflower 1139.

OAKLAND Business woman to share 3- 1'00m furnished apartment with lady. Mayflower 9691. OAKLAND- Beautiful room. private home, shower, next bath; gentleman; reasonable. Schenley 1145, OAKLAND, near stadium- -Cozily furnished studio room, suitable nurse, reasonable.

Schenley 5525. REGENT SQUARE- Good neighborhood: attractive room: private home; gentleman; reasonable. Churchill 0507. SHADYSIDE DISTRICT Furnished or unfurnished rooms; good car, bus service, Schenley 1338. THE ST.

REGIS -Downtown business realdence for woman. 50 Congress St. Atlantic 9888. WILKINSBURG Master bedroom, with running water: gentleman or business couple: convenient to cars and trains. 529 Hill Ave.

WILKINSBURG -Attractive room, running water, suitable 1-2. convenient trains, cars. Churchill 2528. 18 UNFURNISHED ROOMS BEATTY near Stanton: 2 large rooms; utilities Included; $28; couple. Montrose 8184, BEECH AVENUE, 830, North Side- Two rooms, Frigidaire, connecting bath.

Park location. BRENTWOOD- Second floor. three rooms, semi-bath: utilities included: adults. Carrick 3186-W. CARRICK.

309 Kirk: 3 newly decorated rooms, semi-bath, garage. Carrick 1917-J. CRAFTON HEIGHTS 3 rooms, modern home: gas, light, heat, garage. Walnut 4508. EAST END (residential district) Furbath dished.

unfurnished large room; private optional. Hiland 0186. EAST END, 5438 Claybourne Two rooms, (stove) utilities, 3rd floor, $20. HI 6173. FRIENDSHIP District.

near West Penn Hosnital-3 rooms, 2nd Hoor. Hiland 9092. HAZELWOOD AVE. near Squirrel HIll; living room, bedroom, kitchenette, Frigidaire, $28. Hazel 1959.

MT. OLIVER -510. rooms, private bath. furnace: $35 Hemlock 7280. NORTH (furnished SIDE.

501 Union- -2 large rooms private bath, utilities, $30. Fairfax 8067. SQUIRREL HILL, Aylesboro, near Dallas -Two Gentiles. attractive rooms; sink, utilities; Hazel 1044. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS BROOKLINE- newly decorated Frigidaire, range, sink; modern home; $9.

Lehigh 0849-W. CRAFTON HEIGHTS Exceptionally attractive; sink. large yard; carstop. $15 month. Walnut 3801.

EAST END. 802 Maryland Avenuebeautiful rooms, hardwood floors, private tile bath, shower, utilities. GRAHAM. 525 Two rooms, second floor, semi-bath. Gentiles.

Schenley 2635, HOMEWOOD. 7139 Upland- Three or four rooms: utilities included. Adults. Penhurst 9508. KELLY 6831-2-room apartment, comple'e (extra sleeping room).

Montrose 3106. KNOXVILLE, 127 Charles Street- Three rooms, second floor; private entrance. Everglade 5590. LIBERTY AVENUE, 4523- Large, front housekeeping room, newly furnished; Frigidaire; semi-bath, radio; $5.00. M'KEE PLACE, 311-2-3 attractive rooms; utilities included; business couple.

Mayflower 9402. MT. WASHINGTON Large room. 1-2 adults: $5. Cars, bus, incline.

Everglade 4292. suitable WASHINGTON, 107 Kathleen -Room 1-2, near incline, bus. Hemlock 2390. WARRINGTON AVENUE. 615- Two large rooms, Included.

conveniences, reasonable: everything Everglade 0248. WANTED- -BOARDERS CRAIG, North, 157- Gentleman, well furnished room, two meals. $9, Mayflower 9517. WASHINGTON, 436 Ruston Private home; near incline: $8.50. Everglade WANTED -SUMMER BOARDERS CAMP Camp CHEERIO girls; Near Cooperstown.

for gentile all sports. Nixon 2205: Montrose ROOM, BOARD in country, 16 miles Pittaburgh; good food; reasonable. Mayflower 5091. FURNISHED HOUSES APARTMENTS CEDAR. Frigidaire: 718 3 rooms, modern, modern rooms, Frigidaire.

1213 Buena Vista. CE 1874. DORMONT- Completely furnished modern house, 6 rooms, garage, choice location. Summer only. Lehigh 8824.

EAST END. Kentucky- -Living room, bedroom, dinette, kitchen, bath, refrigerator, range, Hiland 7122. END. 305 Roup: apartment, kitchen. bedroom.

Frigidaire, porch, handy cars, bus, FAIRMOUNT, SOUTH Modern. 5-room apartment, second door. Frigidaire; utilities. Gentiles. Montrose 7625.

LEBANON, Washington apartment, bath. Frigidaire; adults. Lehigh 1054. LEBANON, furnished apts. The Embassy, 230 Beverly Rd.

LO 1500. NORTH SIDE Madison: 1-2 modern, airy, clean, private rooms; waik town. OPEN TODAY-1 TO 9 P. M. 138 Dunseith Oakland rooms.

bath: heat, light, refrigeration, $37.30. H. Archson GR 1081. ROSEDALE8-room house, completely furnished: June, July, August, September. Sycamore 7854-R.

BURG- Modern 6-room house. all conveniences; for summer. Penhurst 6665..

Pittsburgh Sun-Telegraph from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.