The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

nE PiilLADELI -JilA liN'ljUiiivIil, i 1 AiS, iv h.L, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE JAL ESTATE FORjSAU Suburban Property West Philadelphia West Philadelphia Germantown Germantown Suburban Property Suburban Property IJllMliilffl miHHiiiiiU'im illlM WONDERFUL VALUE EA LEST ATE FO JSAL City Property STO 4 YOU BUY I YOU LOSE I 'a IF YOU MISS THESE If NEW HOMES Rest section in J.ocan. 5100 block Untch- idoji 8 rooms, bath, garage and lmwf'. -orr; one-half block to public school. pr UNUSUAL VALUE 8250 Matthew W. Dougherty "Well-Kcowo Builder of Homes" A HIGH-CLASS HOME IN 1 RESTRICTED NEIGHBORHOOD $7500 More than lialf now sold.

Kasily financed. New strictly modern hom*o larjre lot with garage privilege Six rooms and bath, hardwood floors throughout. Cement porch. Independence Street between 67th and 68th Avenue, west of Ogontz Avenue1. Take 4'J car.

After November 4, 49 or 65. In the Heart Center of the 69th Street Section Unit M. 5 Opens Smvcl53-r AU-Metal Weather Stripped An all-winter coal Raver. Then. too.

these new homes have Insulated roofs which keep the heat in and the cold out. All-coop putters and spouting the kind that lasts. Six high speed lines motorbus lines 2 taxi lines all meet here. The homes on these 25-foot lots may be bought for $8900 a small initial payment $14 a month carrying charges plus $12 a month to pay off B. L.

Come out today'and see "these unusual semi-detached homes. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR FINANCING 9 JOHN H. Builder McCLATCHY of Homes For over Ihree Months we have been rushing our improvements preparing this property for this closing out sale. Remember, never again will you be given the opportunity that is now yours. Included in this Unit will be 25 EXTRA LARGE PLOTS that are really 00th Street.

Opposite Market St. Elevated Trminal fSfeiA'W upen wwe until 9 o'clock Phone, Belmont 2001 66 99 rAt the Price of an Ordinary Lot These are truly SUPBERB, they lie on the Southern slope of a hill studded with beautiful trees and front on our beautiful winding Beverly Boulevard upon which the homes will be 150 feet ACROSS from house to houselined on each side with glorious old shade and-more wonderful than all is the VIEW from these ESTATES as thev adjoin and OVERLOOK 25 acres of PARK ground through which a rambling tinkling silver stream wends its way. It going to be mighty fine for the fortunate Purchaser of these ESTATES upon his return to his home after a mad day at the office-? the noise and grime of the city that has bred a most wonderful grouch to be able to walk out his back door into practically his own PRIVATE 25-ACRE PARK and ir.Co that grouch. They are truly ESTATES IN THE MINIATURE. Beverly Hills Realty Company B.

J. Diggins, Developer, Phone Spruce 10184 305 Harrison Bldg. S. W. C0R.

15TH AND MARKET STS. to 69th St. Take any auto Out Market to road to left, Garrett Seaside Property By trolley Take elevated train to Beverly Hills. By 69th St. Terminal," take first Road, direct to tract office.


ACT QUICKLY BEST BUY IN YEARS 5 JESSIE E. FINN, Agent 3 SPRUCE 69WV69S1 IS 307 LINCOLN 3LW5 FIT PA. RACE 7686 31 I1OT West Philadelphia 5815 COBBS CREEK PARKWAY FOUR BEDROOMS Everything up-to-the-minute Monthly. Possession at once PURDY, The Provider WOODLAND 4031-R. 69TH 8T.

SECTION Do you realise thaF11 It costs to carry one o( those wonderful new homes, built by John H. McClatehy on Wellington road is $52 monthly and this is figured with only $1000 cash. They combine every convenience and comfort yon would not think of if you were building your own home. See them today. Apply at office on the corner at 60ta and Market streets.

71st 2745 6 rooms and bath, modern, $47.50. Apply E. Gordon. 5801 Spruce st. BUSINESS PROPERTIES WOODLAND.

6525 Largo cor. store. 3-storv good for any retail bus. Lomb. 6705.

LANSDOWNE. 5523 Large storeT. stv. best hits, st. in Voss.

Lom. 44 IH. STORES AND DWELLINGS 320 S. 52D ST. Modern store.

58 ft. deep with secodu-tioor apartment; exceptional price: suit high-class merchant. SEIDLE NUNAN FAIRMOUNT 3943 Store and apt. to rent, suit. heat.

Diamond 10074. 2640 W. LEHIGH Store 7 $85 per mo. Good bus. Appl.i 505 Arch st.

STORES S. W. COR. S9tb and Fairmount stores, elec, o. excellent location for shoe repairing shop, barber, tailor or anv otic business.

Rent $3o Per month. Aooly PHILIP GREEN. 4018 W. Girard ave. STORE, new location, for barber, uoliotm or real estate office.

Apply 54-18 Florcucc a ven uc O0TH corner, an excellent loc, large stoic. newly renovated, low rental, immediate po-sesslon. It A N. 51116 arket. Sherwood 3254.

If PREMISES Suburban Property BROOKLINE 7 rooms, tile bath, shower and linen closet, open fireplace, hardwood floors i l0A f0xll5-J G. KEITER? 705 Chester pike. Phone Llanerch rooma- rocbond stucco house, tile bath, hardwood floors, hot-water ISIgtrolley; lot 50XL25. Owner. BROOKLINEOwner will sacrifice attractive 4 bedrooms, water heat, screens, storm sash, good neighb'd; fully fin little cash immed.

$10,500. Llanerch S7S Dli lo" street, X-room, bath, electric, hot water heat, detached large lot and garage. $500 will buy ir- C. II. FICHTER.

3300 Hanco*ck. CALDWELL TERRACE Bungalow. at-tractive terms 20 min. to Broad, st. Station.

Donald J. Dugan. Liberty Locust 4tKI5. tlT'TtTTAT 1 ti" 1 -V CORNWALL PA. Houses and bungalows, good very cheap.

Immed. cash payment. 611 Bulletin Bldg. Phone ppruce 8467. E.

LANSDOWNE. will sacrifice my 7 -room semi-detached home for quick sale, finance. $2000 cash required. -24. off.

ELKIN'S PARK New English designed home. picturesque surroundings. 11 rooms, two baths, lot 60x125. F. X.

McCOY. 225 8. 17th. GLENSIDE $6.500 6 rms. and large lot.

car. prlv. 7.000 New 6. nn. and twin.

hwd. floors. 7.50O rms. open fireplace, conv. loc.

7.800 New 6 rm. fireplace, 8.000 New Colonial garage, lot 50x125. 8.250 New 6 twin, under construction. 8.500 6 rms.

inc. gar. lrg. lot. 9.500 New 7 rm.

stucco home, restr. see. 10.000 New beautiful stucco, restr. 11.000 Cor. prop.

h. w. fireplace, gar. 12.500 New Dutch restr. section.

13,000 2-family make offer. 14.000 New min. stneco. Colonial, restr. sec.

16.00O Beaut, mod. bungalow, old shade. Also some very reasonable properties In Glenslde section, ranging from $5500 to HOLCOMB FURMAN Easton Road. Opp. Station.

Open Daily Snn. GLENSIDE Attractive bungalow; living room, dining room, kitchen, sun parlor, 8 bedrooms and bath; front porch enclosed; hot water beat, open fireplace; garage privilege. Price $13,500. Other desirable offerings from $3000 to $50,000. Remiiiiffer Rp.Tinincpr Ogontz 970.

Glenside. Pa. Open every day. GLENSIDE Handsome brick stucco slate roof bungalow, living room, 3 bedrooms and bath 1st floor, 3 bedrooms and bath connection 2d floor: open fireplace, h. w.

heat, 2-cr garage. Excellent location. Lot 65x200. Price $22,500. Renninger Renninger Realtors.

Glenside. Opposite Station. GLENSIDE New. semi-detached. 6 large rooms and bath.

$6500; new Colonial. 1 block to train and trolley, open fireplace. $6800: real Colonial. 4 bedrooms, hot-water heat, har.wood floors, tile bath, si 5.500: others at all otirc JOHN PATANE. Glenside.

next National Eagle. Ogontz 1648-T, GLENSIDE Beautiful cor. dwlfc modern; 4 bedrooms and hath, h. w. heat.

2-car garage: best offering of the day. $18,000. Renninger Renninger Ogontg 970. Glenside. Opposite Station.

HIGHLAND PARK 59 Cloverdale 6 rooms, bath, garage, lot 50x110. bargain $8750. Many others in this section: all prices. Lots for improvement and investment. See Keiter.

8217 West Chester Pike, Llanerch 705. HIGHLAND PARK Attractive 3-story suburban home. 17 N. Fairview 5 minutes from 69th St. Terminal.

New. size of lot 50x 125. Garage and all modern conveniences. Call Granite P131 for information. LANSDOWNE.

Pa. Beautiful modern home. old shrubbery, lot 75x260. sun parlor, unusually attractive. No.

Ill Owen avenue. Lansdowne. convenient to steam and trolley. Photo. AKJUtB BUBWKU, 233 N.

13th Phtla. LANSDOWNE Brick 8-rm. 4 bed heat, elec; near schools; $9500. Clay-ton Realty lans. 1971.

Open eves. Sun. LANSDOWNE Bungalow, hollow tile. 6 rms. bath.

end. porch; $8000. Clayton Realty. Lans. 1971.

Open evening, and Sunday. MEDIA Semi-detached brick house. 8 rooms. bath, good location, immed. possession.

A. H. MILLER. 212 W. State phone Media 754-J.

MEDIA New operation. 6 romoa bath, price financed. $1250. Miller. 212 West State Media.

Pa. Phone Media 754-J. MKRION" 4 new choice homes in very desirable location; all modern conveniences. Well worth the price. Owner will sacrifice.


Wynnewood 8 rooms. 2 baths, stucco, elec, sarare. 60'srl40'; great bargain, for a quick sale. $10,500. Phone WM, A.

McCREA. Suburban Realtor. Ardmore 270. Llanerch 66X. NARBERTH.

rooms and 227 Price ave. Le 10 bath, very desirable location. OR ELAND, near Genside. Mod. home: lot 50x 200 6 rcs.

E. L. Craven, Oreland. Pa. ROSLY'N PARK New.

well-built roomy bungalow and houses, all modern conveniences, $4700 to S650O. including large lot. near train and No. 49 trolley. Send for photos.

FERGUSON JOHNSON. 3644 N. Broad street. SHARON HILL, 178 E. Elmwood ave.

6 tiled bath. h. w. gas and elec. open fire-P I ace, laundry.

$0000. Open all day Sunday. 'WILLOW GROVE Or bath, garage? large lot. others $4500 up. Open Sunday.

CARL J. GOESSLER. Willow Grove. Phone 151. JUST A LITTLE different from any other.

3 bedrooms, tile bath, garage, b.w. floors, fireplace, shrubbery. Located on Stotesbury Traet. Oakmont. Price $1400.00 Stiles Realty (At the Station) Oakmont.

Darby and Eagle roads. 503 JEFFERSON AVE. porch. 6 rooms, batb. electric, agrage privilege, lot 25'xl50': owner leaving city, must sell.

HAFP. 3601 N. eenh street. 4 3-STORY frame 7 semi-dtchd car. priv.

Can be bought right. Lot 25xl0O C. M. SKELLY JS02 mth street iu' t-xvjx Woodland 1028. BUILDING LOTS RIPE FOR BUILDERS 20 high grrade building sites, all street improvements in: offered at ruorferat-e price for quick sale.

Call Gladstone 2000. J. T. JACKSON CO. BOULEVARD.

COR. RISING SUN AVE. NESHAMINY FALLS and Trevose Just opeiiid 750 new bung, sites; adj. tracts enttre'y sold out; near sla. and creek: boating, bathing, fishing; 17 miles from Ttenrliiur Term trains daily, comm.

only 20c. choice loc now $75 up: free title ins.f easy mo. i Send for booklet. Ferguson, Front and York. HORSHAM HEIGHTS Ferguson's bldg.

lots. SoO up. on Doylestown trol. Hoe. just abova Willow Grove Park: boating bathing, easy mo.

payments: -10 per cent, off for cash. Free title booklet. Ferguson. Front and York. A RON I MINK The highest elevation in this locality, only a few lots left, size 80s100 feet: price $500: terms $25 down and $10 monthly: no restrictions as to cost of build-in office.

EAGLE ROAD North of West Chester pike, 1 carfare from H9h lots 60x125 graded cement sidewalk, water, elec. shade trees, price $700: terms $25 down, $10 moni lily; a few lots. 60x200 free title and life insurance. Add. A-58.

Inquirer office. BURHOLME Large lots, convs. available, low price, time payments. Ph. Market 4958.

Pennsylvania Property FARMS A BEAUTIFUL, country home and farm. 235 acres. 27 miles from Philadelphia, half mile from depot. Most, comfortable. 12-room house, steam heat, electric lights, baths: deep wells, good streams: all necessary outbuildings: stock modern equipment, etc.

$10,000 cash: balance on mortgage. Q-S9. Inquirer office. Commuter's Opportunity 1 acre. 9-r.

house, gas light, garage, good on! buildings. Priee $3500. half cash required. 1IATP. 3651 N.

13th st. BUCKS CO. 22 acres, chicken farm. 10-room hous.0. barn, outbuildings, 50O chickens.

2 cows, 2 nigs and implements. This is a bar-gal nSTtmUTXleNJtli FARMS of all descriptions: send for my descriptive price-list: it will interest you. II. D. FUNK.

Roy era ford. Pa. 9-ROOM farm house w.ith ground. Trevose station. 1OO0 rash down.

P-53. Inquirer off. New Jersey Property SUBURBAN AUDUBON Desirable new property. 238 Spruce 7 rooms and bath, conveniences. 14 blocks to trolley or train; price $7000.

Cash needed $200O Owner. 16 Vassar Audubon. N. 3. BELLMAR HEIGHTS 5 rooms, bath, attic.

electric. $3990. financed, hiuukii ROB ERTS. 327 Market st. Camden 2736.

BROOKLAWN N. J. 220 Penna. road, six rooms, bath, electric, gas. house stands alone, plenty of "ground.

$700 cash, balance as rent. Good buy. S. P. HERMAN.

137 N. 60th Philadelphia. Granite 3136. MARKET cor. 62d.

Rcan. rental, term of lease if agreeable to tenant. RYAN. OOHi i Market street. Sherwood 3254.

HARDWARE New store, good location. Tea- I sonable rental. Ryan, 5010 Market Bt. Slier- wood 3254. S.

40TH near Spruce. University we ,4 tion, new store and apt. SEIDLE NUNAN, 55th below Baltimore ave. BAKERY New store, good location. reus" i re ta I.

Ryan. 5916 Market. Sherwood 325 1 i DRUGGIST Large store, good reasonable rentaL Ryan. 5916 Market. Sherwood 3251.

GROCER New store, good loc. rental. Ryan. 5916 Market. Sherwood 3251.

6030 MARKET ST. Good business locution. jl, Apply S. SAI.Eft. 38 S.

Water st. i AGENT ON Overbrook NEWI all-stone Colonial House detached, built ori last niece of ground of Old Drexel Es fate, in restricted district of Overbrook: 6460 Sherwood road: two blocks south of City Line. Porch, centre hall, living- room, dining room, breakfast room, kitchen refrigerator room, toilet room, six chambers, dressing room, sun parlor, -cedar room, three tile baths, one built-in shower, billiard room, laundry in basem*nt. Two-car garage. All finished, but painting and decorating, which will be done to suit purchaser.

Price $42,000. GEORGE H. McCRACKEN. Builder. 2528 West Lehigh avenue.

MEW HOUSE, at Phone Overbrook 0940 J. Garage (CENTRAL HEAT PLANT), elec. tile shower, h. w. open fireplace, convenient to excellent train service.

Fox Chase Building Lots Fox Chase Manor Choice location; title insurance free; cash or time paymOnts. Take rr No. CO to end of line, walk east on Rhawn st. or Verree road. George Nagel, on Premises PHONE GLADSTONE 1330-M COTTMAN AVEN'l'E LOTS For the borne builder, near Risine Sun avenue.

$23 cash and $5 monthly. Send for plan. C. PEMBERTON. Harrison Bldg.

8 RMS. house, lot 25xll21, garage privilege. $5500. 707 Hoffnagel Fox Chase. Wissinoming: HOUSE AND GARAGE Six rooms and bath, built-in tub: white range, hot-water heat, beautifully planned finished.

Gillespie south of Devereaux. Conv. to everything: will help finance. REIN-ARC A 1625 Margaret St. Fkd.

3946. Tacony $3200 WILL BUY corner Keystone Friendship sts. If you act quickly, large lot, 2t-story. twin 7 bath porch, good condition, cement pavement and curb. both streets, immediate possession, not much cash required, bargain.

L. H. Gilmer Tscony. Pa. Oak Lane OAK LANE 500 Central nice suburban.

detached, corner. 12 rooms, residence, southern exposure, gas and electric, lot 125-ft. deep. Slate roof, detached garage, heated from house, hot -water system. Well worth your inspection.

Make offer. Owner. 1013 70th Oak Lane. BUILD. NG LOTS OAK LANE 350 lots recently opened at 4th and City Line, extending to 65th gas, water, etc.

Selling fast, very reas. Write for booklet. Ferguson. Front and York ata. Tioga $300 CASH.

3546 N. Watts 4 rms. and bath, elec, immed. pos. Hoover Milna-mow.

4826 N. Broad st. Wyoming 4653. VACANT N. 13th 9 rooms, bath, porch, elec.

price reassonable. Call Tioga 9635. VACANT 6 rooms, bath. elec. li.

w. heat 86500. Aim Hagen. 1040 Rising Sun ave. 1808 Wr.

TIOGA Vacant, porch front. 12 rmsT and bath, large yard, cheap. Call Col. 1742. Logan West side, sele location: financed: near school, train and trolley: new.

modern; four bedrooms, tile bath, garage. Sample bouse, 5210 N. 15th st. Open Daily and Sunday. LOGAN Beautiful 2-story brick house, detached, lot 75x86V: 8 large rooms, and tiled bath, cement and store porch, hardwood floors, hot water heat.

eectric. laundry, many extras. Apply 4815 N. Marvine st. BEAUTIFI'L new two-story modern homes.

6 large rooms, bath and refrigerator shed. Sample house. 4652 Sydenham st. (15th Wyoming). Wm.

Moore, owner, on. premises. N. E. COR.

11th and Duncannon 9 bath. li. w. heat. elec.

largft, lot and garage. Apply 431 W. Lehigh ave. Roxborough 455 MARKbE new semi-detached, fi porch, all SH80O. MAGUIRE.

2329 W. Lehigh ave. Diamond 1915. Suburban Property he Early Bird the Worm' Catches Fifty $200 Home Sites Sold to the First Fltty Buyers AT $79 EACH Marking the Opening Sale of Homesites in tha Oarden Spot of Philadelphia. EvergtM3ii Manor (Opposite Willow "Grov Park) ON OLD WELSH ROAD Prices nfter opening sale of lota, 25125 feet, ranging from $200 to $500.

Easy terrna arranged. WILLOW GROVE REALTY CO. Terminal Annex Building 46 North Twelfth St. Spruce 699 1 Mercer Avenue, Llanerch, Del. Pa.

ATTRACTIVE SEMI-DETACHED being completed, separate porches. Stone and btlicco with entrance. Six rooms, tile bath, stone fireplace, hardwood floors throughout, hot-water heat, electric lishts and all modern plumbing. $9500 square West of Oakmont or Ardmore Trolley at Davis Lane "atop." By Auto- Chester Pike to Darby Road. thence 3 squares North to Mercer Ave.

Convenient to schools, churches. Mores, trolleys Inspect, buy and select interior finish. On Premises or 8713 West Chester Pike. H. E.

SHORTLIDGE, Llanerch. Ta. 311 South '6th St. Sherwood 2300. Linconia Heights 1 Trevose ON LINCOLN HIGHWAY BUILDING LOTS Easy terms.

$150 anad up. Agent on premises bunday, or I Tioga Realty Co. 17X11 ANI EIUB ave- EAST LANSDOWNE 22 MELROSE AVE. 8 All Mod. Improvements $1000 CASH Ras-PURDY, The Provider NO 1 CHESTER PIKE DARBY.

PA. DARBY 205 $800 CASH Pike 8 rooms, all modern. large lot, $8000. PURDY, The Provider NO. 1 CHESTER PIKE DARBY.

PA. DARBY 205 LANSDOWNE Beautiful new stone and stneco detached home. 6 rooms and bath, h. w. heat, eiec.

Lot Thoroughly modern and excellently finished Price E. -R. FRENCH CO. 117 SO. 40TH ST.

preS. 1037 C0LLIHGDALE $7C0 Cash The Provider NO. 1 CHESTER PIKE Darby. Pa. Darby 205.

BALA Beaut fnl Colonial i.ome i war I'hila. Country ry Cli.b and Bala Station: of settlement- at tune greenhouses anil garane included HOFFMAV 3m W. York st. mbjagn BROOKLINE 7 rooms, tile bath and shower. garage, open fireplace, lot 50x115 well financed.

SI 1.500 for Quick sale 'L-rm-r .117 Phone Llanerch 0o. MODERN HOMES You'll Say Well Built Boulevard Section inoo BLOCK N. BOCDINOT ST. r'J Six room, and bath, porches, garage privileges. Sample house just completed --JliliWJ even already slid.

UNTIL 9 P. M. Take 50 trolley to Rusoouili or 75 trolley Wyoming ave. to st. S.

C. Abernethy ctnut st. HOMES 3 5200 BLOCK X0KT1I MA US EI ALL ST. i ofsn NEW HOMES Six bis rooms, bath, built-in tub, shower. Pedestal wash stand, rfcrv room bis and J.iriif.

hie kitchen, paper ami fixtures to be tb st. BARGAIN 339 E. I.Tiin.T 6 m.rcs and bath. uc-to-da tf in every particular. II-f inanced.

Apply Thomas J. Met! a rve.v. builder, office on premises, ar vi and 'I henna sts. Take Frankford Elevated to nr.d take Xo. "5 car at i.

nud set ot at 1 and A walk cue square south. 3086 X. 6TH -rmi7 elec. X. 4t; elti.

2.Vi N. Masciur 3 l-r sar. -547 X. jjotcli. -N7 N.

Vi arr.ui aud b. i.M X. 10 7 sued. dee. '-'13 X.

I'liilijj. imri'li, bath. unKjcrn. 1IAMMJK K. Ctij a ad A Tioga "141 V.

i7.Vl 'Hi N- rooms ,4000. rmmis. ath." inoo tRMMI MiO blk. II. Ti batli.

ioreli 07l fW lrik. E. licgH. b-b. porcli 7700 lSS E.

bath, tiorch 7o00 tOMl'AXV I 1WM! K. 2333 Working Man i-ate 1 1 1 in. ui.ide.u, U.iu,. 4 rrus. una balh.

1 S30O0: term ti; liay Sunday: 5 to 7 SAM I EL ie siiurt. I'ticif I oiiea aC V. M. daiir. I.IKHEli.MAN Ssinirr.

7-14. 26 S. 181 II ST. 1 Sv0, 4 firry brU-k and apartment S3IITH McCOWAN 813 E. A i.

LKllllK AVE. 2700 "BLOCK N. I.uvien. bp th. ico.teri: reason house open 10 A.

if. (u 7 rooms and tile titms: sample 7 I'. M. daily aud Sunday. SAM TEL T.1EISE R.if A X.

SOS Enrle Bliig. Spruee 7-14 li)TH V. '520. A irner. just above Spring Garden lot 18x75.

three-story, leu rooms, tuo baths. Mouihly lease. A good investment. Filbert 952. J.

T. JACKSON "hestnnt street at street. EXECUTOR must sacriihe beautiful, large. modern apt. house.

individual apartments, 3 rms. bath, rent 147. S140O each needed. Price S9C.00. Call Baring 0922-J.

gPEC ULATOUS 270rti 25 W. George rent SS. newlv painted and papered, electric, hot-air heat, mortgages No back stock: price $250. I. MINKOFF.

729 Walnut street: Main 13fi4: Walnut diss. 2120 SPRING GARDEN ST. (SACRIFICE rnicK) Wast sell at one. beaut, browns tone 3-sty. splendid for apt.

Spruce S219. 2700 EIX)CK N. Orkney. 7 rooms and bath. modern, reasonable terms: sample house mien lO A.

31. to 7 P. M. and Sunday. SAMUEL T.IEBERMAN.

ftQS ie Illdg. Si rnee 7214. BOUVIKHR Sample house: (J rooms aud bath: electricity rs kitchen, with hot-wttcr heater: remodeled: can be een Bight or rlsv be apiiointment. COYNE. 24th and eliigh.



HOME BUYERS, (j rooms and bath, cheap; also mortgages laced rnnckly: open evenings and Sundays. THOMAS E. BOYLE, 1113 Lincoln Bldg. Spruce 7155. N.

24TII. cor. sturc and dwelling. 9 rms. and 1542 N.

2ih. rooms and bath: "523 Garnet. 9 iind bath, colored, KEIM. 14Q8 North irtt street. S933 N.

FAIRHH.L tnoiern. 6 rooms and bath. Move right in: wisonaM" terms. Open. Kn at 3934.

SAM1E1. IJEBERMAN. 609 Farle Bldg. Spruce 7214. 3220 X'.

2D. porch, morleru. 2933 N. Ph'lip. bargaiu.

Act 34B4 X. Hone, electric, whi'e plumbing. FA I Kill LL KAI.TV. XTM X. 2d street.

11 B01SF.S. 1200 block S. Hollywood. 5 rom and bath, price 30110 mortgage- $2500 each. E.

SUAGE.N. IMS X. Franklin. Columbia 6345. 13 HOUSES.

'JXtii nsooeluinna monthlv rental 4 15. pr immediate sale. PHILIP l. JAMISON. 4054 hestnut street.

Pies. VACANT, open for i nsp-i-t 'on Sunday Trom 2 to 5 P. 22w; N. I'HU. 40ij worth of extras with hoii.e.

Ahu aril 1010 Rising Sun. 2Sth 2d home. b. w.

pap. and pntd per een will from 'olimil'iH mod. heat. new plumbing. S32IKI 5 year, at 5 sell possess.

r. 62K9. 14 CAYUGA plumbine; "ill 1 f'ANFIELD. Preston perch. 1107.

modern very leasonnble. SPECULA TOItS AND Bl VERS TCew operation, i hemes, garage. Finnnceii. Owner. P.

S252. riilla. WESTMORELAND perch. t. rms.

and 280. Welsh. 111!" Early poss. bath. Krfect :i.V2:f -N.

5th st. VERY excellent jrivesi incut properties. 2209 FairmoiiTit runs through to 220S Olive t. Applv nr, S. Third st.

A A 1 1 Biur.brey 1orch. eicc. worth your inspei ion. bath, bar- Kaln. Cl LR ZAUN.

2712 W. I.ohizb. NF. AR L. new.

modern home, every Pratt sf between Oxford pike and Boulevard. Owner will sac. Kkd. (S.t3W elec. right in.

Choice house S52 all co 11 newly renov. Move 4 h.n:ses. I.iitle cash. Sample -Jtitli 27th. nr.

Parrish UNUSUAL bus. Front above Allegheny. 7 r. esc. cond.

live' bus. tir iuMH.rhiHxl.reas. Vooils.25H2 ii. I'fSS ileiihani near Venango, six rooms. Icih.

$334H. KOHLEK SH1SI.1.R. 1 en a it go. S. E.

Ridge ave. and Dauphin (3227 'Ridge vat. bus. iiroperiy. little 3 s-lt repuirefl: gool iQ.

PO I 25' S. Broad. TT" HOLSES. near 2ih anJ Federal good rentals. in tee.

$2500. price S.H.5Q: ti nun, din" uiu st sell S-97. I in). off. ROOMS.

2 bath, hot water heat, elec, strictly modern owner sell; bargain. T'iione locust 5387. trillTK. IPX! block, recently altered. stories, lot 18HO.

no reasonable offer refused ti nancort. 1 5 Chest 11 ut st. Room 702. TWELVE properties s. Colorado will sac-vHice for immciiate sale: nicely financed.

PKOWN REALTY Ct. 23 South 10th st. 2309 W. HUTU ST. Seven rooms, electric light, porch front, oeHe-it condition.

Wl 1. JONES. 10th a nd tireen st. THREE 2-story Mascher. on lot 12tlx91.

suitable factory building opera- tion. HI'FK. 59of, Broad. 23O0 W. FIRTH ST.

Corner property. 6 rooms. bath, porch, et-. Light, wonderful condition. W.

II. JONES. 10th and Green sts. 7 ROONIS. bath, porch, gas kitchen.

possessio nat settlement. Price S'iOOO. MOORE. Some -set ami Bonsall. Si' X.

AMERICAN 7 rooms and bath. elec. modern, stone porch. C. H.

FICHTXER, 31 N. Hanco*ck. MOORE ST. looms, bath, electric, g.x.rt "condition. Bargain.

A. C. MOWBRAY. 1134 54tli street. 32O0 NATRONA rooms, bath, white marble front, cheap at S35U0.

Alin and Hagen. 104O Rising Sun. Tioga 9635. t-00 BLOCK X. 261 .22 N.

Taney A Bolt. rent $133. price $S00U. rooms, hath. $4500.

2231 Fairmount ave. FRANKLIN electric. good INVESTMENT large lot. 414 204110 rooms and bath, condition. Garfield 2366.

ind speculation, to. 422 S. 16th 9 properties, st. CORNER store, pool room, opposite school rem. Lcyilcn.

3110 Kensington. 20S5 X. LAWRENCE white fd. 7 bath, home. poss.

Col. 0441 S500 WILL buy and give modern, small K.tlaiid Lehigh ave. N7K COR. 1STII SOUTH STS. Finance.

erry. 3 42 1 0 tli Spruce 829 1 HOi'TH Finance. E. Berry, 342 S. 16th st.

Spruce S291. 26TH 3151 -1 57th s. porch, mod. W. Wood I 631 1W.

Pchlever. Sll4 240 BLK. N. 28 th Mogt'ire. .3 bath.

elec. 9 W. f. av. 1915 3U29 CALL-MKT Magnire.

2320 W. 5 hath. gss. f30flo. Lehigh ave.

Dia. 1915. 5 ROOMS, bath. shed. $200 cash will buy a home.

SCHIMATZ. 123ti N. 6 th st. f30-8-10 South rent $000. tinaneed.

E. BJEKRY. 312 S. 16th st. Spruce 8291.

2317-2-35 NASSAU 4 $5900 for three. OWNER, 1X43 Purk ave. 2644 K. 22d ST. bedrooms, hot water heat.

electric beautiful home. Ph. Dia. 2171-J. ro S72i0.

Modern. rooms audi hatb. J5 fcot water heat, hurdwooti floors, electric 3l porch: psy terms. C. UAVLUSTICK.

ASf-nt. Wyo. 10035 Sg l.onis Mark. ltiir. i V'VTTt.

City Property OWNER will s-ll desirable -family Pt. bouse, located in the best section of est Philt Apolv 417 North American Building. Walnut ROOMS and bath. Dutch hall. elec.

must be sold by imroed. poss barg. for quick sale. 1916 S. lthan st.

toBth below Chester ave.) Woodland 4744-W. XHRKE apartment bouses consisting of nine hskp an reniu, mu. yearly rental SoliOO; price $31,500. PHILIP D. A MISON.

4054 Chestnut St. Preston 3383. 3STH AND WAL.NO STS. vie. an apt.

house containine 5 owner leaving the city. No information on phone. M.L0N I.U.. 30 South 40t1i st. EVKREAITX 3301 ST.

Wissinominz cor. bath, trarase. S300 first pavnient. bal. easy terms.

Price SioOO. Ijeli- uia Snyder. 1201 Eric ave. 33RD ST. 3 ptory dwelling, opp.

park:" 10 rooms. 2 batbs. hardwood floors. hot water heat, ecellent condition. Price rea- sonable.

Will help tinance. B.AKUAIN If fold in 30 days. L'p-to-date 2-story 7 rms. brick and porch. Jlust see to appreciate.

Apply 257 W. Erie ave. Jioiiohue. 2710 Richmond investors: 7 house, Lath: W. Phila.

S3300: price $350. Hoffman. 5002 X. 8th Wyoming CAMKKlIMiK 2727 8 rms. bath, laundry; S5'HK auto soacc.

rear. Downey. 141J X. 55 ti i st. Belmont 1 OQ 11 Vi Clf 4-story good O.

XXbll OL. location, financed Strasburger. 1813 Wr. Erie Tioga 2S42-J TjVKiV 3-stv. porch, suitable near train trol.

Kotiler A- Shisier. 1632 Venango. BUSINESS PROPERTIES 240S X. Store. 10 2 baths, back porch, $22,500.

financed to S20.0OO. immediate possession, Cal' owner. C22 N. 40th plume Preston 643D 43 ST For information call Goldsmith. 723 Bulletin Building.

STORES AND DWELLINGS R. COR. OAKDALE SARTAIN 3-story "store Miul dwelling. Bargain. THISTLE, the Home Finder .749 N.

"Ilj st. Wyoming 7742-M. WE have several good Tiowa. Koliler Shisier. 1G32 Venango.

VENANGO. 1713. just remodeled, suit any bus. S000O. Kol'ler Shisier.

1632 Venango. STORES TWO new corner stores, with 4 roams and bath located in good business section, suitable for drug, grocery or meat market. Well (inanced. BALDWIN SEEGEIi. 2081 East Che I ten avenue.

BUILDING LOTS BVIIaDERB or manufacturers, best block. ground improvements. R-24. Inquirer office. West Philadelphia Elmwood Section dec.

white and mahogany finish, laundry. Sample bouse open. Convenient monthly payments arranged. Pemberton Realty Co. 1S20 s.

SSth st. AVdld. 1CS3 5313 15-17 GIRARD AVE. Tliree-storv dsveiling. eacii containing 10 rooms, bath and shed, electric, each lot 16x128, excellent iuvestment for those who appreciate the possibilities of this fast growing community; these properties 'ire ripe for immediate improvement into stores apartments.


3022 SPRING STREET. Real cozv home, containing 6 rooms and bath, electric, hot water heat, porch front, basem*nt laundrv in excellent and convenient location. 2 blocks from 60th and Market station. Handy to school and shoppiug centre. ROBERTS REALTY 3 211 CHESTNUT STREET.

KITTEN HOUSE 2962. MODERN COR. Strict Did you eve think how nice it would be to live in a corner with plenty of air end light, and a heated brick garage for 2 cars. Rock bottom price, $11,000. Adolph B.

Caspar 1' WE MAKE home buying easy, $45 monthly pays everything, beautiful modern home. lino Condition, select location. 3 bedrooms, termg to suit yota. As low as $500 down. 5791 Hunter ave.

(59th ab. Iinsdowne open daily, 2 to 0. Sundays until 8: financed: renovated, cleaned, readv to move into. Come "out today. Owner.

2228 S. 70th. Woodland 5003 -W. fi SHERW00D SECTIONi 1000 S. 03d New homes, 6 rooms and bath, thoroughly modern; $1500 cash.

Move right in. SHAPIRO MARKET ST. lml AXVV7 Belniont 3f(97 mm Walton No. 5517 $5500 Like new. elec.

light, vacant, $1000 cash required, bargain, act quick MANLEYBR0S.gywlt gf 3612 BRANDT WINE rooms 4846 Ogden 5 rooms, eiec. vacant. 3805-07-0!) Brandywine roomB S25O0 521 X. 5 porch, elec, small amount Oowu, balance as rent. I.1NDEBERO.

362S Haverford ave. 1919 S. Alden $5500 Vacant, excel, rms. and bath, elec. light, very conv.

locatiou. financed. MANLEY 5H54-56-5S H0 62 Pemherton. 0 bath, porch. each, financed.

R. A. THISTLE 47t9 X. 7th st. Wyoming 7742-M.

6932 YBROOiv lot 15x91. lawn, porch. ti iwmis. bath oini hed. liu'tch hall, white and mahogany, beautiful fixtures, new roof and pa int.

$5300. Phone Oregon S211. 10 ROOMS. 3 baths, semi-detached 1. w.

heat. elec. hwd. southern exposure. 46'mi blk.

Spruce: excel, opp. for ants, or rooming house. Owner wishes to leave city; priced for quick sale. Preston 5604 M. HADDINGTON 5O0O Block square norlh of Lansdowne ave.

Best buy in city. 0 rooms, bath. h. w. heat.

elec. hdwd. floors throughout. $6050. Sample house open, or Nucom Renin.

Market. Granite 310O. 5S45 UPLAND 6 large tile bath, laundry, xas. kitchen. Dutch hall.

full length screens, shades all windows, new linoleum, perfect cond. price reas. Can be seen Sniu Roardon. 5719 Baltimore. Wdld.

237S. SACRIFICE 5)s30 Hadfield 4 bedrooms. Cobbs Creek Boulevard, gar. possession. Sokolove.

5719 Warrington ave. Woodland 3790-W. 5733 FLORENCE AVE. 8 shower, bath. end.

porch, hdwd. fl.xirs and garage, exceptionally well-built, cheerful house, owner on prem. HOME buyer's opportunity 6 r. and bath: hdw. floors, heat.

Ist-class vac. Small amt. cash req. Downey. 56tii below Chester ave.

Woodland 8984. 218 N. EDGEWOOD. 6 rms. bath.

fin. 533 N. Wanamaker rms. hath. pcli.

mtgs. $4 30O THOMAS E. DOYLE. 1 113 14 Lincoln Spruce 7155. FOR SALE 3934 Pine 3-'tory dwelling, containing 9 rooms, electric light, hardwood floors, ready for immediate occupauou.

C. PEMBERTON. Harrison Building. CECIL 811 rms. 7 porch, elec.

w. floors, h. w. cas. kitchen.

Finance. W. C. Schlcyer. 804 S.

57th st. Wdld. 031 1-W. 200 BLOCK N. Saiford room, modern house, must be sold.

MELLON 30 S. 4('th st. IMMEDIATE main rooms, hath. brick laundry. uit colored: only $5500 clear.

Jos. M. Ke.tey.- 29 S. 52d St. MUST sacrifice a cute little home.

1636 S. Frazier terrace, near 56th aud Chester ave. Price $4850. Belmont 8235. 5U52 RIIHiWOOD Sherwood section, cossy.

modern home with garage. 6 bath elec Rosenhanm. 1603 S. 57th. Wdld.

55.QW 55th 1038 (S bath, enclosed rorch. thoroughly excel, cond.throiigti-out. Donnelly Denny, 16Q6 S. 58th.Wdld.S255 6310 WEBSTER Vac ant. tinaneed.

"4 bedrooing al modern, inimed. bargain. Chas. C. Enburg.

713 S. st. COSY home, on beautiful 551 Upland; elec. hwd. b'oient ld.v..

A cond H. Meneh. 5439 ave. M'dld. 77S5.

2117 S. 68TH $6800. "i electric lights, newly papered anrl tlirough-cul no vac Easy terms. O'Xeill.

5724 Chester. 5044 BALTIMORE 'Ktore. dweilingTnew. ly renovated papered, painted. $4000 cash.

SWEET WOOD, 5013 Florence. Wdld. 1 527 W. 222 S. 44T1I Attractive home.

11 room s. 2 bn ths: excellent condition: reasonable, PARKSIDE 456 bath. h. w. eiec owner.

42Q7 Gtrard a ve. COIX)RED 113 to 125 Wanamaker. $350 cash. rent. HCRSBY.

1235 S. 1th. West Philadelphia 60TIT ST. SECTION S8900. semi-detached homes in this exclusive and convenient locality.

Only J7 minutes from City Hall. Metal weather stips throughout, copper and flashings. American hot water heating system, spacious porches and large lawn between homes. A house that i substantially built, no frame work, plenty of closet space, numerous electrical outlets with a small initial payment, the monthly carrying charges of one of these houses will be only $44 plus S12 to reduce the building association mortgage, and it's a home in which the first expense will be the last. No commission charged for placing morcages.

Apply at JOHN H. MeCLATCHY'H ofliee at the corner of 09th and Market streets. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL, FRONT HOMES WITH GAEAOES 4TH AINU ASPEN STS. MODERX TN EVERY DETAIL NET MONTHLY EXPENSES $38.47 Sample house open ev-y day till 9 P. M.

North on 52d St. to Brown east on Brown to 49th, half square to operation. Elt. SEEDS. Builder.

Nt'COM KEN IN. Agent. 550 Market St. 69TH MARKET STS. New home just completed: has every modern improvement: 6 fine rooms, bath, and garage: only 5 minutes from station: can be boncht with S2000 cash: month ly expense 844.

Ph. Laiis. 2533. 69TH ST. SECTION: small amount of cash: brand new home: every modern improvement, -syfth garage: $44 monthly carrying charge.

Phone Lansdowne 2533. A I A RTMENT house near 43rd and Chestnut. Yearly rental $4500. Price S31.000. Make offer.

Plnlip D. Jamison. 4054 Chestnut street Pres. 33S3. FOR SALE.

58 blk. Market 3 stores 2 store and garage, 3 propertys $20,000 apiece, worth $23,000. must sell this week Owner. Call 6008 Master st. DETACHED Colonial brick stucco residence 10 2 baths.

3 porches, hdw. fireplace. French doors, elec. Ruud h. w.

posses-sion: price $16.000. Owner. 1017 S. 48th. 7 2-STORY apartment houses, in finest West Philadelphia section, all modern, well rented $1200 cash on each required.

E. SHAGEN 151S 1.. BUY before completed and save money, six rooms and bath, thoroughly modern, garage, mortgage to suit. free. Price $7800.

Vicinity 54tli-Vw igton. A. C. Mowbray. 1134 54th.

1600 BLOCK S. Conestoga 6 rooms, bath, elec. A-l 1 ton of coal in cellar, financed: price $5750: vacant. W. H.

Menseh 5439 Woodland ave. Woodland 7785. 0S-5- 57TH 6 rooms and bath. E. BERRY.

342 8. Kith st. Spruce 8291. OVERBROOK section, four 2-storv apartments, modern, financed $9000 each. Call Wld.

5196-J. STORES AND DWELLINGS WONDERFUL corner. containing basem*nt store, garage. 4 large bedrooms, "tile bath, 4 rooms on first floor, just being completed, line for butcher and produce. Agent on premises at 55th st.

and Florence Sunday and eves, or phone Bisson Famous. Wdld. 2692. STORES AND APARTMENTS. New operation.

55th below Baltimore ave. Financed; good for barber, delicatessen or dry goods: will sacrifice for a quick buyer. Soko-iove. 5il9 Wam-ington ave. W'ld.

3790-W. $1000 CASH buys 56th and Greenway large ttore, 5 rooms and bath largo lot, vacant, price $12,500. BISSON FA-MOUS. 5527 Woodland ave. Wdld.

2692. BUILDING LOTS 51ST fc LANCASTER av. (Lincoln Highway). 86x166; excel, factory or garage site location. Sweetwood.

5003 Florence. Wld. 1527 Germantown CHURCH LANE, south side, west of Ogontz avenue. Germantown. These handsomely fin-islied homes with garages.

S8300. Cement porch, hot-water heat, electric, hardwood floors throughout, all-tile bath. Laundry in basem*nt. SAMPLE HOUSE OPEN. CBOmiK H.

McCRACKBS. Owner. 252S W. Lehigh avenue. NEW HOMER 6700 Block Limekiln Pike Only $950 cash Best value in Germantown NEW.

6 rooms, tile bath an. garage, beautiful home. b. w. heat, porch and terrace; 3 min.

to trolley, routes 52. 49. 24. 55 and the new 65 car line. Sample house 6732 Limekiln pike.

Open Sundays and evenings. GILDEN GEIGER. 2047 E. Cbelten avenue. Oak Lane 1207-W.

VACANT. 6 rooms. bath, main street, $4BOO. 0232 Woodstock 6 rooms r.nd bath, elec, nice jard. porch.

$540O. 6427 Beeehwood rooms, bath, hot. water heat, can be bought with S70O cash. 6527 Lambert 6 rooms, bath, electric, hot water heat, bargain. 242 Sydney semi-detached.

4 bedrooms, hot water heat, electric, located in Mt. Airy section. $7500. Vacant. Many others.

BALDW1X 2QH1 E. Chelten avenue. 24 Investment 2-story, porch, 7 rooms, elec. light, h. w.

heat, hardwood floors; excellent location. THEODORE BLANK. 416 Land Title Bldg. 143 EAST DURHAM ST. Beautiful semi-detached.

10 rooms. 2 baths, convenient to Sedgnick Station. Reading. Must sacrifice to a aitiek buyer. See my agent.

BALDWIN SEECaER. 2Q1 E. Chelten avenue. 10 2-STORY corner properties, on 20O0 block Spencer new operation, all modern, including garages, price $8800 each, mortgages $8000. E.

SHAGEN. 1518 N. Franklin st. Columbia 6345. GOOD house? bargain, must S1I week at price that amounts to a sacrifice.

Please call afternoons. INSLEY. 2d floor front. 6224 Ger-mantown avenue. ATTRACTIVE home for you.

8-- story. 9 rooms, bath and laundry, conv. to trains and trolley, west side. T. Mitchell Son.

6322-24 Gtu. ave. Qtn. 379t GTN. 220 AV.

Hort tcr well financed. Frank Kirkpatrick. 804 Stephen Girard Rittenhouse 3324. MANHEIM I block from Wavne 3-story semi-detached. 11 rooms, 2 baths, porch, ripe for apts.

J. J. McDevltt. 5411 Christian. GERMANTOWN 10 6 rooms and porch, all financed close for invest.

or speculation. Paul Capl.m, 2248 N. 29th. GTN. Pulaski ave.

$10,500. well fin Kirkpatrick. 8Q4 S. Gir. Bldg.

Ritnse.332 i. STORES AND DWELLINGS BARGAIN" for quick buv. 300 E. Unsal. cor.

Musgrave. store. 8 rooms and bath neivlv built, all mod. 20x15O. $10.500.

Filbert 4133. Olney SIX ROOMS and bath, hot water heat, electric lights, porch front, hardwood floors, garage privilege. immed. possession, price S6750. J.

T. JACKSON Boulevard, cor. Rising Sun ave. liladstone 200o. Park 4070.

TABOR road, north side. bet. 9th and 10th sts. new. 2 story.

7 rooms, tile bath, hardwood floors throughout, garage in basem*nt-agent on premises, or HOFFMAN 3033 W. York street. Columbia 7330. DELPHINE STREET. 400.

(corner), six rooms and bath, hot water heat, electric- lights good condition. -J. T. JACKSON Buile-vard. cor.

Rising Sun ave. Gladstone 200O. .505 N. MARSHALL 8 bath, modern semi-detached, excel, $4500 tirst mortgage. Vacant, exceptional bargain.

IH'TZEI. 25th and Somerset stree SEMI-DETACHED dwelling. 7 rooms and bath electric lights, good condition, right price" J. T. Jackson Co.

Boulevard corner Rising Suri av. Gladstone 2000. Park 4070. SOMERY1LLE 520 Porch. 6 rms.

and bah. splendid ideal neighbor-hood. $750(. Kane A Welsh. X.

5th st. CLARKSON AND ASCHEI. 2-story, mod" dwelling. with ndioin ng corner lot. hardw.

floors, immediate Lombard 7673. 4605 N. HURLEY 6 rooms, bath cioseo porcn; 1: excellent condition: immediate AUFLEK. 431 W. Tabor road.

possession. II 198 W. LURAY cor. h. w.

elec real barg. HAUFLER. 431 W. Tabor -rd. Frankford Northwood Affi SUBURBAN STYLE BETWEEN PRATT AND BRIDGE STS.

Hot-water heat, electric, built-in tub. shower, large rooms, tild bath, real flre-fiiaces. parquetry floors throughout, mineral floor in kitchen: 15-ft. terrace; GARAGE; workmanship and material guaranteed. Inspection invited.

Take Elevated to Pratt walk west 21,. blocks. SAMPLE HOUSE NO. 5140 OPEN EVERY EVENING SMITH SCHMUNK BUILDERS 600 ERIE AVENUE BARGAINS Six rooms, bath, hot-water heat, new Six rooms, both. cur.

porch, new Eight rooms bath, garugo privilege, Eight rooms, bath, tar a He i blk. Seveu rooms, bath, lot 20x215 SEE HAKUItAVE. 4648 Frankfirl ave. Franbforl4027-W. EXCL.

location, corner etore. lot 87xl76rea-onable for quick sale. K-14. Inquirer pffic. MODERN HOMES REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CitT Property LEHIGH 2242 S-story.

porch. 9 rooms, bath, immediate possession. COLORED tenants will rent 1510 Winter St. Apply 1015 Chestnut. Room 702.

STORE and 6-room house, good for any busi-ness. long lease. 482 N. 4th. WANTED Individual garages or site for building same; good location.

K-64. Ini. off. BUSINESS PROPERTIES 3401 FRANKFORD store property, rent $55 per month. McCLATN OILMAN.

5239 Market st. Belmont 9414. DESIRABLE large floor space at 10th and Chestnut to sublet, reasonable rent. Ap-Tly 931 Chestnut street. 5th floor.

17th 1935-37 S. Two-story building with elevator, suitable for garage or anv other business. Gillen Rosof. Sherwood 6277. 529 VINE ST.

Slore and small factory floors, will rent separately; reasonable. BUSINESS ROOMS AND OFFICES BEAUTIFUL large room, suitable for studio, physician or business. 2319 N. Broad. DESK space or priv.

office, central loc, mod-ern tffiee. all convs. Walnut 3457. TRANSPORTATION 26 S. 15tb.

facing Penn Square. uite or single office. Rm. 27. SALOON PARLOR, fine for physician or dent- i Is Phone owner.

Garfield 231 8-W. OFFICES for profession purposes, t.uit dentist. UOMMEKE. Sixth and Allegheny ave. PHYSICIAN'S ordentlst's good loc; equipped for electric hign.

2331 W. Lehigh. STORES AND DWELLINGS 1338 S. 28TIT ST. Now store and dwelling for rent, opposite large moving picture theatre, suitable foe any businesd.

Reasonable rent. 2233 GRAYS FERRY Store and dwelling, apply G. Caruso. 8420 Germantown ave. Chestnut Hill 0550 or 1707.

FRONT 2737 Store and dwelling, will renovate, private entrance, good business section. See FOIIDERER. 2729 N. Front st. STORE DWELLING for rent: splendid opening on gcxi business street at moderate rental.

Apply at 29QO N. Cth st. S. E. COR Oakdale and Sartain.

tbree-story. store and dwelling, suitable for any bus. It. A. THISTLE.

4749 N. 7h: Wvom. 7742 M. S. COR 6th Columbia store.

rooms with bath: rent $75. Preston 6439 W. STORES Automobile Shovroom STRICTLY MODERN. EXCELLENT LOCATION. LOW RENTAL.

APPLY FOSS HUGHES 21ST AND MARKET STS. FIRST FLOOR with heat. Chestnut near 19th. suit business or office. ARTHUR R0S WELL.

233 N. 13th st. S. W. COR.

6th and Allegheny, transfer point. Hammeke. on premises. LARGE STORE at 31ft Ridge next to Acme. Diamond 921 l-W.

STORE 26 S. 15th. near station, long or short term: will divide. Adrien Volimer. on premises FACTORIES 2d FIOOR for light daylight, elec.

new 62x16. 3040 Stiles, near 31st Girard. 15.0OO FEET floor space, railroad siding. Loeh. 33rt and Master streets.

FACTORY FLOCRS 8TH 237 S. Basem*nt shoo light, dry, electric: stree entrance. $15 monthly. FLOORS 160O HQ. FT.

floor space, vicinity S. I'hila: plenty daylight: suitable fo. light manufacturing. Oregon 2079. FLOOR SPACE FROM 10.000 to 12,000 square feet of floor space, suitable for office or manufacturing, central location, modern, fireproof will sublet up to 1925.

at 48c per square foot with renewal privileges, or can get five-year lease from owners direct, lor further particulars address 1 nO'Hrer ernco, GARAGES STORAGE available for 30 more cars or trucks 24-hour service, repairing and paint shop connected, reasonable rent. Dauphin Service Garage. 41st and Haverford avenue. Baring 0678-R. TWO GARAGES 715 S.

3D ST. West Philadelphia MODERN new home in the desirable 69th St. section; 6 fine large rooms and batii, some have gprages: only 3 minutes from station: $90 i monthly. Apply at builder's office, on the corner of 69th and Market streets. CORNER 53d Springfield or 1300 block S.

53d st. Large 3-sty. porch dwelling. 12 rooms, 2 baths, elec; heat, excellent condition. Rent $125 per month.

Apply Philip Green. 4018 W. Girard avenue. 2n JAMES TERRACE. (66th and Woodland ave) seven rooms, porch, electricity, modern, pood condition, key at 2236.

rent $00. Win. J. Martin. 121 Chestnut st.

107 S. 40TH ST. 3 story. 10 rooms and 2 electricity. $125 per month.

Seidle Nunan. 55th below Baltimore. 69TH ST. section. $65.

4 squares from terminal, 6 large rooms and bath, modern. MANLEY. 59th and Cedar ave. ALDEN 717 6 bath. elec.

ht. -water heat, hardwood firs. Vacant. April 613 S. 56th st.

Woodland 2550. 3215 HAMILTON ST. $75. 3-story brick dwelling. 10 rooms, bath, back kitchen.

2 toilets. Wilkinson. 3944 Lancaster ph. Pres. 2163.

CHESTNUT. 4004 12 rooms and bath, good for professional offices or rooming house; possession October 1. I-omhard 6765. 5829 TRINITY ST. (58th and Chester ave.) 4 elec.

light. $65. O'Neill. 5724 Chester. 63d 105-6 2-story cottage dwelling, garage and porch.

Iximbard 6765. GIRARD AVE. ply 1726 N. 4941 8 bath, 5i. Ap-Creighton st.

Bel. Q67'-M. NEWLY BUILT home. 6 rms. bath, with garage.

731 N. 49th st. Preston 4853 W. HOUSE. $53 apats.

2 floors. $32 to $60. Stores I a rge small. Call to 9 P.M 5148 Ludlow. REEL AND 6101 Corner house.

rooms, bath, porch, rent $50. -Walnut 4199. 4 HOMES, des. Ice. mod.

long lease: $43 to $75. Pemberton Realty 1826 S. 5-ith t. PARKSIDE 4S56 8 bath. h.

w. heat, elec. mod, owner. 4207 Girard ave. ADDISON.

5431 House for rent. 7 bath; nicely $75 month. Woddld. 9043-W. Bungalows and Houses New bungalows, 6 rooms and bath, laundry, all conveniences; lot 100x125; one minute to trolleys, two minutes to trains.

Other bouses and bungalows. nr, Stratford. Lindenwold and Laurel Springs. PINE VIEW REALTY STRATFORD. N.

J. Laurel Springs 76 R-3 BUILDING LOTS Recently opened, water and lights, selling fast; come out and see. MR. LIELEVITCH CHAPTCL, MERCHANTVTLT. N.

T. FARMS 60 acres, stocked and equipped ready for the new man, short drive to electric train. FARM stores and schools, 12 aorea wood. 5 acres stream pasture fenced. 30 variety fruit trees.

8-room dwelling, 2 cellars. Sue old shade, barn 4060. 2-story crib bouse, poultry bouse, best markets and neighborhood. If taken now includes all live stock, machinery and crops! only 12 miles concrete road to only $5500; little cash needed. CLARENCE BUDD 27 Cooper Woodbury.

N. J. Seaside Property OVER A HUNDRED MILLIONAIRES have been made through investing in Atlantic City Real Estate. Our new investors' maga rine showing the wonderful opportunities that ar yours by making an investment of $110 and up is now ready. A- copy will be mailed you free upon request Address Editor, 644-A Drexel Pa.

WILDWOOD CREST See 127 W. Cricus 2- apt. bungalow, home and investment propo sition; also 150 feet best boardwalk, corner G0KF. 1703 Spring Garden. OTTEN'S WILD WOOD BUNGALOWS $10 starts you.

when it is paid we build. Balance on bungalow $10 a month. Standard 5-room eummer bungalow. 195 Standard 6-room summer bungalow 1255 Station. HENRY H.

OTTEN'S. 129 S. Front Phila. Lombard 1963. or Wild wood N.

J. omnara, Toder OD off ATLANTIC CITY For si at IVortti wild wood. ale. cottage. 8 bed rooms.

4 baths, all modern conveniences: re fined location: Ambassador section; suitable for professional or tine private home. 1IAR-RY TOWNSE.ND. 2805 Atlanlic ave. BUILDING LOTS ATLANTIC CITY Theresa place, lot 37 by 101. one of the best situated lots in lower Chelsea.

Will either sell or exchange equity in developed property. Box R-85. Inquirer office. REAL ESTATEORRENT City Property 5132 PARKIDE AVE. 3262 Ixicust st.

89t N. 45th st. 4317 Wyalusing ave. 1530 Fon tain st. and others.

Apply B. FLOMEN. 1626 52nd. Belmont 10016. 2137 (iRATZ 10 r.

and bath, rent $10O; 2627 Montgomery. 12 2 baths, rent $100: 2021 Stillman, 6 r. and rent $50. CRAIGHEAD. 1736 Columbia avenue.

ST. MARKS SQUARE, 1613 Two lovely renovated, 6 roorrus. and porch, elec. all $50 per month. Apply on premises.

8-12 A. M. or 3606 North 9th OPEN DAILY at 3 o'clock. 107 Mole 15th and Race. 6 rooms and balh.

ARTHUR BOS WELL. 233 N. 13th St. 1510 N. 20TH 9 rooms, all conveniences, $50.

white people only. C. P. COWARD 1903 N. Broad street.

2811 S. 13TH. $80. new. 8 rooms, tile bath.

hdwd. floors, h. w. porch, garage, h. C.

Simon. 20th Passyunk. Ore. 0961. 1905-1939 BERKSHIRE attractive electric light.

MAGEE Sr. RODGERS. 12H) Locust street. Spruce 02fl7-08. DARIEN at Girard 6-room dwelling.

electric. $35 per month. For particulars phone Spruce 8667. 304 OXFORD 9 rooms and bath. $50.

1531 N. 24th 9 rooms and bath. $45. KEIM. 1408 N.

10th st. Poplar 8700. 1217 SUMMER ST. 10 rooms and bath: vicinity 12th Race $65. FORMAN, 411 Lcmcoln Bldg.

Spruce 3573. JS841-5845 CRITTENDEN attrac. AUfi KUDGERS. 12(H) Locust street. Spruce 0207-08.

239 S. 23 ST 9 rooms, all communicating. Key at 245 S. 23d st. Nealis.

910 S. 12th street. $20 MONTH. 4 -room house, rear 954 N. Lawrence, with sale complete hskns.

outfit, in- cludes one-half month rent free. $75. CHEW. 6610. modern.

6 large rooms, bath. laundry. $60. 1032 Venango st. TIOGA 559 E.

6 rms. bath, porch, all convs. Key at 701 E. Cornwall st. Gar 9898..

4446 Germantown ave. Spacious dwelling'. 10 large rms. $75 month. Apply 2748 N.

12 til 2726 N. Grata 2-sty. 6 rms and bath, rent $45. Irving Ru dolph. 201 N.

Broad st: SPRUCE 80715 rooms. 3 baths trie, hot-water heat. elec- CHESTNCT 535 Store and offices, mod-ern building. Lombard 6765. 2012 N.

16th. 12 and 2 b. elec. newly Papered throughout. McGlone.

2(7 N. 15th. LAMBERT. 1818 N. 2 stories.

5 rooms. Lath. $28 ni Liver. Spruce H188-T RENT R. B.

City (not suburban 6 rm. $30. 229 Woodbine. Narbeth. Take bus at Bala.

COLORADO 2554 7 rooms, enclosed shed newly renovated, electric, rent $4S. i BUTCHER New slore. good loc. reasonable rental. Ryan 5916 Market st.

Sher. GARAGES GARAGE for rent. 5506-08 Chestnut st. 28 individual garages: machine shop, two showrooms, no good will. Apply above or 4515 Girard ave.

242 SYDNEY-Semi-detached. 4 bedrooms. h. w. heat, electric.

$65 month, yearly lease. Baldwin Seeger. 2081 E. Chelten ave, SPARK ST. IE.

Gtu. 1 new. vacant. 7 room. tile bath.

cue. hwd. h. w. heat, elec garage, rear yard.

Oak Lane 2339. 1349 E. Rit teahouse 4 bedrooms and bath: vacant. Raring 0418 .1. GTN.

5522 Ardleigh 7 rooms, porch, h. w. heat, electric: reus. rent. Diamond 8968.

Tioga NEW established neighborhood, no competition: suitable for delicatessen, druggist, haberdasher, moderate rental. Apply 3343 N. st. Logan 71 wingcjmij 5tr Corner S0 ROOSEVELT BO LEVA nil SECTION if 7 rooms and bath. Rcut $90.

with S. detached brick earace. i J. Edward Lutz Olney RISING SUN 4500 $60. new and vacant.

7 porch, hdwd. floors, hot water ht. elec Keys, phone Park 31100. Frankford NEW 6-i-tii. moil, house, tile bath, in North-wood section, two squares from elevated sta-tlon.

Call Tioga 251 s. between 69 p. M. 5722 LEONARD ST. ti rooms, balh.

rent. $40 per month. Apply 5728 Leonard st. 6 ROOMS and bath. 3260 Joyce St.

Call Wal-nut 4199. Suburban Property ABINJSTON 9-room house, splendid location-: an vonv John Morrow. Arlington, Pa. ELK INS PARK fine old c*ntry home. cor.

East Church and Jenkintowu all con-venienccs. Sm ullen and Ha rry KIRKLYN Mod. det. Oroorn'hoini', garage, h. w.

poss. li.van. fitilii Market. Slier. 3254.

Pennsylvania Property BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR RENT Store room, business section, on Lincoln Highway. Suitable for any business. Rent reasonable. Apply Katharine Brick, 360 E. Lincoln Highway.

Contesville, Pa. New Jersey Property SUBURBAN BJ'ULIN. N. J. Nine-room house: sun parlor.

barn, garage, large poultry houses; all good condition: fruit: 15 acres ground. Excellent location directly on White Hore pike. Bin passes door. I'ase. Phone Berlin l-R-12.

S. W. BCZBY. owner. CAMDEN.

N. 208 N. 6th 8 rooms and bath. Apply 718 N. Sth et.

Ph. Camden 2794 DELANCO. N. J. $40.

6 wm bungalow. 1 square depot, near river, nearly 1 acre, newly papered. See Mr. Shane. Delanco, R.

A. ROCK HILL. Woodlynne. N- J- Phone 2150. Seaside Property ATLANTIC CITY.

N. J. Rooming bouse, cen-trally located. Terell. 1530 Atlantic ave.

Miscellaneous Property FLORIDA FOR RENT For season, furn. home. Tampa. Fla. Mrs.

G. P. Webster. Audubon. N.

J. mJtEAMMIJ! OWNERS I have several home buyer waiting. wat have you for sale c. m. skelly j1yoay WILL buy from owner only, corner store and dwelling, between Spring Garden and Lehigh.

5th a nd 25th. il. Inquirer offii-e. WANT to liny a home or investment tuofr. ert.v.

Post Office Box 3252. Phila. I WANT TO BUY a 6 or 8-nn, house: state tun particulars. VV-78. Inquirer office.

BUlLDWtiJJATERIAL BRICKS, lumber, sash, doors, etc. 1210 Brown St. Phone ure-jon diw-w. 1:1 CAMDEN. 321-323 STEVENS 2 HOUSES.


SHAGEN. 151S N. FRANKLIN ST. COLUMBIA 6345. II ADDON FIELD New house, 6 rooms and bath, all conveniences, vapor heat, corner property, financed.

$6500. UNDERDOWN IJ.IS. Haddonn eld 1 882 ADDON HEIGHTS 6 rooms, bath, large attic: h. w. heat: laundry tubs; garage: lot 51x200: sacrifice for quick sale: $6300.

Owner, 1C30 Sywiutore street. Phone 807-M. WEST COl.LINGSWOOD. 7 rooms ana bath. all cor.

property, garage, on trolley line Ralph Marts. 1155. Kenwood ave-iiee. Camden. N.

J. Phone Camden 2145-J. VESTMONT. 336 Haddon beautiful 8-i-oimi home for less than building cost. 5-lf10M bungalow, poultry house- and other H.

acre lot, also other lots; will 'sacrifice for quick sale. L. CHEESMAN. Sew- ell. N.

J. -r 7.

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


How to read Philadelphia inquirer for free? ›

To get access to Philly's newspaper of record, you'll want to go to the library's “Databases” page, scroll down to the “Philadelphia Inquirer” option, click the link, and log in with your library card number and pin. That will take you to the website Newsbank.

What happened to the inquirer? ›

The Inquirer ceased publishing on 19 December 2019, partly due to declining digital advertising revenues.

What is the largest newspaper in Philadelphia? ›

The Philadelphia Inquirer - Wikipedia.

Who is the owner of The Philadelphia Inquirer? ›

The Lenfest Institute is the non-profit owner of The Philadelphia Inquirer, which is now the largest newspaper in America operated as a public-benefit corporation.

Can you read newspapers for free? ›

With databases like EBSCOHost and Pro-Quest, library users have free access to top newspaper publications like The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and more. In Pro-Quest, U.S. Major Dailies, you'll find U.S. national and regional newspapers.

How can I read any website for free? ›

18 Free Ways to Get Around a Paywall to Read an Article
  1. Paste the headline into Google. The simplest ways are often the best. ...
  2. Try a Facebook redirect.
  3. Open the link in an incognito window. ...
  4. Disable JavaScript in your browser. ...
  5. Enable "reader mode" ...
  6. Use a VPN. ...
  7. Use Bypass Paywalls from GitHub. ...
  8. Try another browser add-on.
Aug 14, 2024

Is inquirer a reliable source? ›

Reputation. The Philippine Daily Inquirer is considered as one of the trusted news sources among Filipinos in 2022, with a trust rating of 65% according to the Reuters Institute.

Who owns Inquirer now? ›

Inquirer Holdings Incorporated (also known as the Inquirer Group of Companies) is a mass media conglomerate based in Makati, Philippines with the Philippine Daily Inquirer as its flagship brand. The company is majority-owned by Pinnacle Printers Corporation, the holding investment arm of the Rufino-Prieto matriarch.

How many people read Philadelphia inquirer? ›

Hughes, Editor in Chief Gabriel Escobar, Design Director Suzette Moyer, and Creative Director Elizabeth Samet. Owned by the non-profit Lenfest Institute since 2014, the newspaper reaches more than 13.3 million people a month across its print editions,, e-Editions, apps, newsletters, and live events.

What is the oldest newspaper in Philadelphia? ›

The Philadelphia Inquirer was founded on Monday, June 1, 1829. It was then called the Pennsylvania Inquirer and is now the third oldest surviving daily newspaper in the United States in its own right.

Which US newspaper has the largest circulation today? ›

Wall Street Journal News

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers. Whilst larger companies - Gannett, Tribune/News Media Group (owned by hedge fund Alden Global Capital), and Lee Enterprises all owned fewer papers in 2022 than in 2020, some regional chains saw increases.

How much does a copy of The Philadelphia Inquirer cost? ›

Effective today, the Monday-through-Saturday newsstand price of The Inquirer and the Daily News, including Daily News Weekend, will increase to $2.95. The newsstand price of the Sunday Inquirer will increase to $4.95. The increases do not affect home-delivery subscriptions.

How many people subscribe to The Philadelphia Inquirer? ›

The Inquirer digital subscriber count surpassed its print subscriber count in 2022. Today it has 65,000 print subscribers, per Hughes.

What kind of paper is The Philadelphia Inquirer? ›

The Philadelphia Inquirer
TypeDaily newspaper
Owner(s)Philadelphia Media Network
Founder(s)John R. Walker and John Norvell
PublisherTerrance C.Z. Egger
10 more rows

How to read newspaper without paywall? ›

  1. Use a virtual private network (VPN)
  2. Open an Incognito window.
  3. Turn on Reader Mode.
  4. Delete your browser cookies.
  5. Use the Wayback Machine.
  6. Get access through your library.
  7. 12ft Ladder.
  8. Bypass Paywalls Clean app.

How can I read the Times articles for free? ›

Access News Articles for Free: A Guide to Unlocking Paywalls
  1. 1 Try Incognito mode to bypass a soft paywall.
  2. 2 Install Postlight Reader for Chrome or Edge.
  3. 3 Try Reader Mode on your device.
  4. 4 Try in any browser.
  5. 5 View the archived version of the site or article.
  6. 6 Paste the headline into Google.

How do I join the Philadelphia free library? ›

Get A Library Card

Anyone who lives, works, pays taxes, or goes to school in Philadelphia or lives in Pennsylvania can get a Free Library of Philadelphia card for free. You can apply in-person, online, or by mail for a library card.

How much is the digital subscription for the Philadelphia Inquirer? ›

Digital subscription: $1/week for 3 months

After 13 weeks, you will be charged $5.49 every 4 weeks ($21.96 in total) thereafter until you cancel your subscription. Discounted introductory offers are only available to new subscribers using electronic payment methods.


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.